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SEND Report / Local Offer

Local Offer


Bracken Hill School


Inspirational learning, enjoyment and achievement


What kind of special needs does the school make provision for?

  • Bracken Hill School is a special school that makes provision for a wide range of needs. We work with and support pupils who have Complex and Severe Learning Needs, Moderate Learning Needs, Autism, ADHD and Social and Emotional Mental Health Needs. We are a split site with a main provision and the Post 16 Site and Community Centre only a short walk away from the main building.


How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with SEN?

  • Bracken Hill School is continually on a cycle of evaluating its effectiveness and its purpose. All aspects of school life are rigorously monitored through a variety of structured programmes. Consultation with all the stakeholders provides the school with direction to improve the outcomes for our young people. We work closely with an Education Improvement Advisor and engage with external support agencies to ensure that the school maintains a constant cycle of improvement. Our professional development for staff means we access up to date educational thinking.


How will the school and I know my child/young person is doing and how will the school help me to support their learning?

  • All pupils are assessed upon entry to Bracken Hill School. This enables us to develop and formulate a targeted programme of development. This structured approach enables those working with pupils to know exactly where each pupil is working and where they need to be. The approach is holistic and aims to ensure that all aspects of a pupil’s development are addressed.


What is the schools approach to teaching pupils with Special Educational Needs?

Mission statement:

“Inspirational learning, enjoyment and achievement”

School aims:

  • We aim to provide a broad, interesting and accessible curriculum, including the National Curriculum for all pupils.
  • We aim to challenge each pupil to perform to the best of his/her ability.
  • We aim to help each pupil develop the skills resilience they need to develop towards independence and responsible living.
  • We aim to help meet each pupils personal priority needs in partnership with parents, carers and relevant agencies.
  • We aim to provide pupils with a wide range of age appropriate experiences. 
  • We aim to foster relationships characterised by kindness, helpfulness and respect.
  • We aim to enable each pupil to confidently participate in, and contribute to, their local community life.
  • We aim to foster knowledge and respect for other people, nationalities, beliefs and ways of life.


How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person’s needs?

  • Pupil’s needs are individually assessed before and upon entry to Bracken Hill School in order that a curriculum can be provided that best meets their individual needs. Targets are set for academic subjects alongside life and independence skills and behaviour where appropriate. A number of pupils may also be assessed regarding specific areas of need that may include Speech and Language or their physical needs. These assessments will be carried out by trained specialist practitioners.


  • A variety of tools and processes are used to maintain and monitor progress to ensure that pupils are challenged to improve their progress and attainment throughout their time at Bracken Hill School. The tests and processes may include:
    • The Statement of Educational Needs, Educational and Healthcare Plans (EHC plans) informs all planning and is a record of individual child’s needs.
    • Data is used to help teachers set realistic and challenging targets for individual pupils, based on their starting points and learning needs.
    • Teacher’s summative assessments and pupil observations are used throughout the school.
    • External accreditation at an appropriate level is available for pupils including Entry Level, GCSE and Asdan Qualifications.


How are decisions are made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

  • Long before pupils start their placements at Bracken Hill School consideration is given to how best the needs of each individual will be met. Assessments upon entry gives a baseline of where pupils are and in terms of setting future learning targets. Starting the academic year in July before the official start date provides the school with the three week opportunity to fully ascertain where the pupils level of learning is. This enables class groups to be altered and managed so that appropriate levels of support can be directed to where they are most needed.


What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN, involving them in their education?

  • Building positive working relationships with all pupils and parents/carers is an integral part of Bracken Hill School. These relationships enable staff and other professionals to communicate with all pupils in order that they can better provide for all the pupils needs, including their physical, educational and emotional needs. Bracken Hill School adopts a complete holistic approach at all times.


What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about SEN provision made by the school/setting?

  • We have a complaints policy on our website which outlines how to make a complaint or express a concern. Parent questionnaires are sent out annually and these can provide further comments to express a concern or issue. We have an open door policy in school and a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Teacher is always available to listen to parents/carers.


How does the Governing Body involve other organisations and services, (for example, Health, Social Care, Local Support Services, Voluntary Organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting the families of such pupils?

  • The Governing Body were instrumental in appointing the School Community Liaison whose role is to work closely with parents and other professionals in order that families and young people get the best possible support that is available to them. This may include setting up respite care packages, befriending, meetings and contact with professionals and many other support resources. The policies around procedures for working with complex needs are all read and approved by the Governors. All Governors carry out regular learning walks throughout the year to ensure the continual harmony of the school.


How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc. Who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

  • The school’s Community Liaison Coordinator is the key member of staff who ensures that parents/carers receive the best possible support, guidance and advice. The support that the school provides is outstanding. This can take the form of home visits, support contacting other professionals, setting up respite care packages and organising meetings with professionals, days where families can talk and discuss their worries and concerns regarding their children.


How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to:

1. Join the setting/school

2. Transition between phases of education, for example Early Years to Primary, Primary to Secondary etc.

  • Once a pupil is given a place at Bracken Hill School a transition programme is planned and communicated to the parents. This is organised on an individual pupil basis to best meet the needs of each pupil. We liaise closely with the pupils school or setting, also making home visits before they start in order to open channels of communication so that the transition is as seamless as possible and planned to enable all parents to feel secure that the pupils needs are paramount in the whole process.


How will my child/young person be included in activates outside the classroom, including school trips?

  • Residential educational visits, vocational activities and many other opportunities are offered to pupils in order that they experience life beyond the classroom walls. We feel this is an essential part of building and developing resilience so that they become well developed and rounded individuals, ready for the world beyond school. All activities are assessed to ensure suitability for the pupils and we take time to plan activities which enable full participation.


What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall well-being?

  • Ensuring that pupils are happy, secure and valued is what Bracken Hill School is all about. A happy pupil is one that is ready to learn and grow, so we pride ourselves in providing provision that enables pupils to grow and feel good about themselves. Building their self-esteem and confidence is paramount and staff and other professionals who work with the school aim to develop the whole child at all times.


What training have staff supporting SEN had and what is planned?

  • All staff receive training in a variety of different areas. This includes:
    • Safeguarding
    • Moving and Handling (where appropriate)
    • CRB
    • Administrating Medication and First Aid
    • Autism and Sensory
  • Other courses include those identified in the School Development Plan.


What specialist services and experts are available or accessible by the school/setting?

  • Our school works closely with a range of professionals such as Educational Psychologists (EP’s), Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, School Nurse, CAMHS, Music Therapist, Sensory and Movement Therapists and Play Therapists.


How will equipment and facilities support pupils with SEN and how accessible is the school setting?

  • The school is accessible to all our pupils and where appropriate provision is adapted to meet the changing needs of some of our pupils. We ensure that specialist equipment is regularly checked and its use is monitored by such professionals as Physiotherapists, Moving and Handling workers and Occupational Therapists.


What are the arrangements for consulting parents/carers of pupils with SEN? How will I be involved in the education of my child/young person?

  • We have formal consultation at Annual Review and Parents Evenings, and in an end of year Curriculum Report. Less formally we have Home/School Dairies, Seesaw, telephone conversations, annual school events, for example Sports Day, Christmas Fayre and Careers and College Evenings. The school is very pleased to speak with parents/carers when the need arises. Moving on from school is a significant time in a child’s life and it is important that parents/carers feel confident that plans for their future are carefully considered and implemented.


Where can I access further information?

  • Further information can be found on our school website Visits to the school are always welcome by appointment, our school number is 01623 477268.
