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How We Meet the Public Sector Equality Duty - September 2024

Bracken Hill School is a generic special school located in the market town of Kirkby in Ashfield. The area has a high population of deprivation. We serve a mixed ethnic population gathered from both the local and the wider areas of the county. The school is situated in the centre of a residential area. People of white British descent largely populate the locality.

All pupils on roll have an Education, Health and Care Plan.


In September 2024:

  • 173 pupils on roll
  • 75% of pupils are boys and 25% are girls.
  • 8% of pupils are from black or minority ethnic backgrounds
  • 4% of pupils have English as an additional language
  • 35% of pupils are eligible for free school meals
  • 27% of pupils are eligible for pupil premium


School population:

    • EYFS - 2%
    • KS1 - 7%
    • KS2 - 32%
    • KS3 - 30%
    • KS4 - 16%
    • KS5 - 13%
  • Staff within the school are predominantly female and white British
Bracken Hill  School Equality Objectives2024 - 2025
To ensure that any gap in attainment between different groups is not significantProgress of all groups is monitored rigorously, to clearly identify any underachievement in performance and adjust provision to support progress. The senior leadership team and key staff alongside the school governing body monitor this objective.
To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular activities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversityThrough assemblies, group activities and the PHSE curriculum. Pupils are given an awareness of different cultures, religions and beliefs through an enriched curriculum. Pupils take part in curriculum themes days and weeks throughout the year. The school ensures pupils do not use homophobic, sexist or racist language and any incidents are dealt with immediately.
To ensure that pupils are punctual and attend school consistentlyAttendance is checked regularly and where there is concern the school will work with the family and necessary agencies to help attendance improve. There is a graduated response to deal with attendance issues and this has proved to be effective.
To ensure that teachers in school differentiate activities in order that individual pupils can achieve their full potentialThrough the whole school monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning, completed by senior leaders and subject leaders.
To provide additional support for disadvantaged pupils through the effective use of the pupil premium fundingTargeted and effective use of the pupil premium funding and other additional funding sources, closely monitored by the senior leadership team and the governing body.

Our curriculum suits the needs of the school and provides a challenging pathway for all pupils whatever their needs or abilities. 

Each pathway covers all of the age-related National Curriculum subjects at a level that each pupil can access. All curriculum pathways cover the following: 

  • Relationships and health education  
  • Relationships and sex education  
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development 
  • British values 
  • Careers education and guidance (Years 7-13) 


Explorers   These learners are our more complex pupils and are at very early levels of development. They receive a multi-sensory, play based and experiential approach to their learning, similar to the expectations of Early Years. 

Adventurers  These learners follow a differentiated National Curriculum with a wealth of opportunities for practical hands on learning that relates to their own experiences.

Pioneers  These are our most able learners who follow a curriculum derived from the National Curriculum with a clear pathway through to recognised accreditation and qualifications. This pathway is formal and includes life skills and independence skills for secondary and post 16 pupils. 
To ensure fair access to off-site activities, regardless of SENDThe school provides access to a wide range of suitable off-site activities for all pupils to access, as deemed appropriate to their SEND. Class teachers are aware of pupil needs and arrange these visits to ensure fair access is available for all pupils.

