Bracken Hill School… Enjoy, Believe, Achieve
The school ethos should be felt as you walk around and meet the staff and pupils. We are a small school and therefore are able to prioritise the individual needs of each child. Nevertheless, we have high aspirations and expectations and particularly value co-operative, sharing and group work which represents developing social maturity in young people. Each class teacher has pastoral responsibility for their own class and will always endeavour to maintain good communications with home.
Our curriculum intent: To enhance knowledge, develop skills and provide enriching experiences that enable young people to embrace opportunities and be successful in the modern world.
We aim to provide a broad, interesting and accessible curriculum, including the National Curriculum, for all pupils.
We aim to challenge each pupil to perform to the best of his/her ability.
We aim to help each pupil develop the skills they need towards independent and responsible living.
We aim to help meet each pupil’s personal priority needs alongside parents, carers and relevant agencies.
We aim to provide pupils with a wide range of age appropriate experiences that helps to foster functional daily life resilience.
We aim to help develop relationships characterised by kindness, helpfulness and respect.
We aim to enable each pupil to confidently participate in, and contribute to, their local community life.
We aim to foster knowledge and respect for other people, nationalities, beliefs and ways of life.
Bracken Hill Values
A value is a principle that guides our thinking and our behaviour.
At Bracken Hill school, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. Values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school. Through these values we aim to: