Maths Curriculum at Bracken Hill School
The Mathematics curriculum at Bracken Hill is for all our learners, from 3 to around 11 yrs of age. It is designed so that is accessible to all our young people; with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to thrive in the modern world.
Bracken Hill’s maths curriculum is taught across our three pathways to meet the needs of all our learners and support progression though school with guidance from White Rose Maths at the level that they need to be working on next. We use different methods such as Attention Autism buckets to engage our students and a variety of manipulatives to support their understanding, with a focus on object, picture and then abstract to help. At Bracken Hill we know how important it is to apply our knowledge in the real world so work towards accreditations that promote this, applying our problem solving and making our learning practical and hands on.