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Bracken Hill School are committed to ensuring our pupils health care needs are met when in school.

Our medication team is led by Emma Birch and Rob Poole. All staff are trained to NHS standards and have regular training and competency checks to ensure their skills are maintained.

Bracken Hill School have a positive multi-agency approach and work closely with the Health Team on a regular basis.

It is recommended that any medication taken three times a day or less should be given at home where possible. E.g. Before school, after school and at bedtime. Medication that comes into school must be in the original packaging with a pharmacy label (your child’s name should be clearly visible on the label). The medicine must be in date and with a note saying when it was opened.

On occasions we will administer over the counter medication e.g. paracetamol. This must be agreed prior to your child coming into school with the medication.

All the relevant forms can be found on this page or can be obtained from school.

Children must not carry their own medication to or from school. This must be handed to the bus escort or an adult when they get dropped off.


Medical needs that Bracken Hill School staff are trained in include:

  • Medication Administration
  • Asthma Awareness
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrostomy
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylaxis


If you have any queries regarding medication please contact Emma or Rob on 01623 477268 or 

Meet our school medication team

Bracken Hill School Medication form
