Welcome to the Primary Phase
The primary phase at Bracken Hill caters for children from 3 to around 11 yrs of age. The broad curriculum is underpinned by an indepth knowledge of each individual child and how they learn and therefore develop. All children have access to a personalised, exciting, challenging and vibrant curriculum taught within a caring and relaxed atmosphere.
The curriculum is enhanced with the opportunity for children to take part in horse riding, forest schools, hydrotherapy, swimming etc. The Primary Years is a fun and exciting place to learn where we want all children feel safe and valued. Children are then well prepared for and supported in their transition to the secondary phase to make it as seamless as possible.
Bracken Hill’s Curriculum is taught across three pathways to meet the needs of all our learners and support progression though school. All pathways support the learners to become more resilient, confident and regulate their emotions. Some pupils require highly individualised timetables to allow them to make good progress and these are facilitated where required.
These pathways are detailed as follows:
Explorers – Our Explorers in the primary phase need learning to be either at the very early stages of learning or to learn in a play based style similar to the EYFS. The curriculum here has a strong focus on engagement, independence and improving communication, and all lessons have an element of these within them while also focusing on motivating activities that follow the pupils interests. Our Explorers frequently have personalised timetables which offer lots of opportunity for sensory regulation activities and regular 1:1 led learning. Pupils working in this pathways in KS1 and KS2 are also observed against the Engagement Model.
Adventurers – The curriculum for these pupils follow an adapted National Curriculum with a wealth of opportunities for practical hands on learning that relates to their own experiences. The Adventurers have opportunity for both play-based and more formal learning with small group work. Their interests and real life experiences are important to engage and motivate our pupils on the Adventurer pathway. Teaching approaches will always reflect the age and learning style of each pupil.
Pioneers –These pupils follow a formal curriculum derived from the National Curriculum, although it is accessed at a developmentally appropriate level and pace. Our Pioneers have a clear pathway through to recognised accreditation and qualifications later on in their school career. Although this pathway is formal, it includes plenty of opportunities for social, independence and life skills.