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Phase 3

Welcome to Key Stage 4


Students in KS4 study the core subjects of English Maths, Computing and Science. Students work towards national accreditation, suitable to their level of ability. This includes GCSE, Entry Level and Unit awards. Students also study Careers, Independent Travel Training, PE and PSHE.

Work Related Skills is a really important aspect of our learning and permeates in subjects across the curriculum. Thursdays are dedicated to careers, where the students participate in activities such as work experience, enterprise skills, visiting local businesses and industries and listening to guest speakers. All students are offered at least one careers interview. Parents are invited to these interviews.  Students are also encouraged to learn work skills by volunteering to work in areas around school, for example; delivering milk to the different classes or supporting midday supervisors and TA s at lunch times with younger children.

Students rotate through vocational courses to widen their skills and interests for work. There is a wide variety of subjects from First Aid training, to horticulture, catering to child care and outdoor activities to Duke of Edinburgh. All the while, focussing on their transferable skills for working life.

This year there is a big focus on being healthy. In Key Stage 4, this is taught in subjects across the curriculum. Students learn about diet and good food preparation in their PSHE lessons as well as skills and strategies to keep physically and mentally fit.



Curriculum Overview 2023-24
