In Ants class, we've had an amazing week. To start the week, we engaged in our PE lesson where we developed our coordination through moving like animals, we 'crawled like bears and jumped like frogs'. The children loved doing this. In Science, we explored different everyday materials such as wood, cardboard, metal, plastic and fabric. It was so fun exploring the different materials and matching them to the correct symbol. In Everyday Technology, we loved exploring lights/torches. We practiced turning them 'on and off' and following instructions.
We took part in Sensory Circuits in the small hall, we loved burning off lots of energy. Some of the children developed their senses by exploring the moon sand which they loved. They enjoyed feeling the texture of it and using their hands to squeeze and squash it. To finish off our wonderful week, we visited our Cafe. The children sat beautifully and ordered their own snack and drinks- toast and juice were favourites. Well done Ants!
What a fantastic start to 2025! Everyone is excited to be back at school. In PE, we've been developing our movement and body awareness by practicing throwing and catching beans bags. We also played a game of 'Follow the Leader' copying actions like jumping, stopping and clapping. It was lots of fun. In English, we've been exploring and learning about the wonderful story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We loved reading the story and then we had a lovely time exploring/tasting the fruits from the story. Strawberries were definitely our favourite! We support, we also had a go at using a knife to chop some of the fruit. It's been a very exciting start to term. Amazing work Ants!