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Beetles Class

Beetles Class 2024/2025

Week beginning 10th July

Week beginning 10th June 2024

We have loved being back and getting back in to routine after the holidays.  Hopefully the summer term will see more sun, keep your fingers crossed.  We have been enjoying our attention autism sessions, comparing groups of 1 and lots, more and less in maths. And in English we have been  following instructions.  We are still looking at being safe in the sun, making choices about what to watch on the ipad and peeling different vegetables! 


Week beginning 6th May 2024

Week beginning 6th May 2024

We've had a lovely week, exploring the rhyme 'The sun has got his hat on' and thankfully we have seen a bit more of the sun this week. We have loved finding out about time, thinking about now and next/ day and night in maths and the different activities we do at different times of the day.  We are really enjoying our park visits on a Friday, even popping into the cafe if it's raining or we need a snack.  

Week begining 22nd April 2024

Week beginning 22nd April 2024

Welcome back for the summer term! We are so looking forward to being outside and enjoying a weather change, keep your fingers crossed. Our first couple of weeks in English, we have enjoyed the rhyme 'it's raining, it's pouring!' we've been outside with the umbrellas and even popped into the floor projector and practice our rhyme in there!  In maths we have been loving filling and emptying, doing this in water but also with rice, and beads - pretty much anything we can pour.  Have a look at the photos.

Below you will also find our curriculum map for the Summer Term 1.

Week beginning 11th March 2024

We have started our new story Little Red Riding Hood and we are loving it in our English sessions. In Maths we are enjoying add more and identifying which has more and less.  We love playing in the sensory tray, filling and emptying, making more and less.  

We have started our visits to the park, going in small groups and alternating it with the cafe.  We love Fridays!!!

Week beginning 26th February 2024

We have really enjoyed being back for the second part of the Spring term.  Please see our new curriculum map below.  In our English we have enjoyed learning about Jack and the Beanstalk and in maths we've been following instructions, working on 'in' and 'out', and sometimes 'on'.  We've enjoyed mark making with different tools so far in art, using rollers, paint brushes and dobbers.  We are great at making different marks.

Curriculum Map Spring 2 2024

Week beginning 15th January 2024

Welcome back after the Christmas holidays.  We are really looking forward to the spring term, and have attached the curriculum map above.  We are lucky to have a couple more visits from Jo Jingles arranged with the children really enjoy.  Our English this half term is focusing on traditional Tales and we are looking forward to covering The 3 Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk and Goldilocks.  We are also working on lots of choice making from what we want to watch on the ipad, to where we want to go around school.  We will keep sharing how we get on :)

Curriculum Map Spring 1 Explorers

Week beginning 11th December 2023

Week beginning 11th December 2023

Well we have definitely had the Christmas buzz this week.  Although we don't lean in to Christmas too early, we have started to enjoy some relaxing winter themed videos, and had lots of flour to play with in the tuff spot - just like snow.  We have enjoyed being able to get outside a bit more with it being mostly dry and that has really helped us to feel calm and more regulated.  Jo Jingles visited us again this week and we enjoyed having a couple of parents visit for this Christmas themed session but the bells were a bit overwhelming, we definitely prefer a bubble.   We have enjoyed our rhyme this week, the wheels on the bus and done some wonderful counting in maths.  We really love our PE sessions with Mrs Jones and our throwing is getting really accurate, hopefully we will get to show you these skills later in the year.

Week beginning 27th November 2023

Week beginning 27th November 2023

This week we have had a wonderful time with our curriculum areas, science was a definite hit exploring the different switches and watching the lights turn on and off. We've also enjoyed the computing and playing the different games on the ipad and exploring body parts in PSHE.  We've also enjoyed humpty dumpty in English and looking at size in maths. It's been a busy week but we have LOVED it!

Jo Jingles Visit

Week beginning 13th November 2023

We have loved getting back to school after the holidays and getting stuck into our new Nursery Rhymes topic.  This week has been really highlighted with a visit from Jo Jingles.  We had a great time joining in with the familiar rhymes and having a go with her different instruments and toys.  In Beetles we have really enjoyed our maths this week - matching objects and symbols / making sets of the same.    For more information about our curriculum this half term have a look at the map below.

Week beginning 2.10.23

Week beginning 2nd October 2023

We are still enjoying our topic! This week we have looked at Peppa Pig Space Adventure where she flies to the moon. We have also enjoyed looking at 2D shapes in Maths, pressing them into playdough and printing with them in paint.  We have also loved lots of time in the movement and sensory rooms, and our daily relaxation every afternoon.

Week beginning 18.9.23

Week beginning 18th September 2023

We have absolutely LOVED having the space dome this week.  Although some of the stories were hard for us to follow, we loved the sensory experience of lying down and watching all the projection move around us. In Maths we have enjoyed our work on matching pictures and objects that are the same, and enjoyed our English rhyme about 2 little rockets, blasting off the launch pad!

Week beginning 5th September 2023

WELCOME BACK!  We are so excited to all get back together and start a new school year.  This half term our topic is 3,2,1 Blast Off which is giving us lots of fun and interesting experiences.  Have a look at the curriculum map below for more information about this half terms curriculum.  We do PE on a Thursday afternoon so please make sure you come in your blue t-shirt and shorts in this weather.


Week beginning 3rd July 2023

Welcome to Beetles! 

We have had a lovely first few days getting to know each other, learning our new environments, routines and what we all need to help us feel happy and calm.  It's been great to see all the children getting to know each other, and know the staff.  Our topic will continue to be Land Ahoy as it has been so far this term in the Explorers.  Have a look at our timetable below for more information on our days in Beetles class:



Beetles Timetable 2023

Land Ahoy Curriculum Map

Contact Mrs Austin
