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Bestwood Class

Bestwood Class 2024/2025

Week beginning 9.9.24

Exciting Start to the Term at Bestwood!

We've hit the ground running this term at Bestwood with some fascinating new topics! In Humanities, our journey through history has begun with "Sneezes and Diseases", where we're exploring life in the Middle Ages, including the intriguing Feudal System.

In Science, we're diving deep into the inner workings of the human body, starting with the heart. We’re learning how it functions and exploring the causes and effects of heart disease.

Meanwhile, in English, we’ve been traveling back in time to meet the legendary William Shakespeare! We’ve asked him all about his life, and we can’t wait to dive into one of his famous plays, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, next week. Stay tuned for more Shakespearean adventures!


This term our main topic is Sneezes and Diseases. Please see Bestwood's curriculum map for more details.smiley

Welcome back everyone!

Happy Holidays Everyone πŸŒžπŸ„‍β™€οΈπŸ¦πŸ˜Ž

Week beginning 22.7.24


Bestwood have made a positive start to the new school year. They have moved into a new classroom and have a set of new friends to get to know!. Over the last few weeks we have started a new course of Independent travel, been trained in CPR and learned about the Ancient and Modern Olympics. It’s been a busy one and we are all looking forward to the Summer Holidays. We have all of our fingers crossed for sunny weather and lots of fun with our family and friends. Happy holidays everyone. ☺️🌞🀞🍦

To contact Mrs Rigley

Bestwood Class Teacher
