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Bestwood Class 2024/2025

Happy Holidays Everyone πŸŒžπŸ„‍β™€οΈπŸ¦πŸ˜Ž

Week beginning 22.7.24


Bestwood have made a positive start to the new school year. They have moved into a new classroom and have a set of new friends to get to know!. Over the last few weeks we have started a new course of Independent travel, been trained in CPR and learned about the Ancient and Modern Olympics. It’s been a busy one and we are all looking forward to the Summer Holidays. We have all of our fingers crossed for sunny weather and lots of fun with our family and friends. Happy holidays everyone. ☺️🌞🀞🍦

Week Commencing 17th June 2024

Sports Week.

What a full filled action packed week we have had. Bestwood class took part in a range of activities including, Climbing Wall , Rounders , Hungry Hippo's , Obstacle Course and Archery. We also cooked a eggy jam sandwich on an open fire. We used our math's and English skills to read and follow a recipe to make our own cheese scones accompanied with our homemade tomato sauce ( these were delicious ) . Our favourite activity was TAG Active, we were lucky enough to go to the Lamas leisure centre and use the arena based game which is designed to test strategy,speed,agility,awareness and bravery while promoting fitness, fun and competition. We had some very high scorers and everyone had a fantastic time.

Week Commencing 3rd June 2024

Today we had a special assembly to celebrate D-Day. Bestwood class knew lots of information about the D-Day landings which they were able to share with the other KS3 classes. The D-Day landings took place during WW2 . On the 6th June 1944 Britain was part of the operation when the troops invaded Normandy. Soldiers from all different background's fought side by side to defeat Germany.Well done Bestwood class !

Week Commencing 13th May 2024

We are super proud of Bestwood class. We have just been to Caythorpe Court PGL on our residential. A couple of children were brave enough to say they didn't want to go this time . They did lots of fun activities in school even though they missed their friends. Those who went on residential were a credit to all parents and school. They were all very well behaved . We did lots of activities including orienteering, climbing, aeroball, problem solving, laser tag. We must say everyone really enjoyed the activities but their favourite was laser tag - We also had two great activities in the evenings - Camp fire where we sung songs and toasted marshmallows and a silent disco, we had some great dance moves! The food was amazing , non of the children were hungry , the catering staff were very understanding and accommodated all our children's requests for food options. At the end of our very busy days all the children were ready for bed. A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL !

Week commencing 29th April 2024

Bestwood class have been doing a lot of work on careers and what they would like to do in the future. We were really lucky to have a visit to Apperknowle farm which is one of Landmarks college sites.We were able to look at what animals they have and what they have to do everyday to look after them. We also learnt that they grow their own vegetables that they then send onto a Bistro and The Archer pub in Rainworth which the students from the college can also work in . All the children were well behaved and they asked lots of questions about the animals. Our particular favourite's were the cows Buttercup and Daisy . There were also 5 little pigs which were so cute. We had a great afternoon and everyone asked if we could visit more of the sites that Landmarks have and find out what other options are available.

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

It is good to see everyone back and eager to learn. We are starting our new topic - Changes- Where will be looking at climate change and the impact it has on the world. We are excited to be cooking again , this time we are concentrating on healthy snacks that we can make in school and at home. Take a look at the flapjacks we made this week . They look YUMMY !

Summer Term curriculum Map

Week Commencing 18th March 2024

In art Bestwood class have continued to look at different artists and explore the type of work they do . We really liked the artist Yayoi Kusamo who produces work that involve painting with dots. We decided to make some flowers using plaster of paris , paint them and then add dots . All the pupils took their time and produced some fab work. Take a look at the photos , we are sure you will be just as impressed as we are.

Week commencing 11th March 2024

Red Nose Day - pupils and staff shown us how creative they can be with their clothes and wacky hair . A fun day was had by all . 

Week commencing 4th March 2024


We were all excited about dressing up for world book day . We had lots of different costumes and PJs worn by both pupils and staff . We had a great day doing different activities and pupils bought books into school to swap with their friends.

Week Commencing 26th February 2024

In science Bestwood class are exploring flowering plants. We are learning what the different parts of a plant are called , how they grow and how they reproduce. We took a flower apart and labeled the different parts. We may have some experts in the future who can grow a plant and tell us how to look after it . 

In Art we have looked at different artist and the types of styles they work in . The class really enjoyed looking at the works of Gustav Klint and they really liked his digital art . We all had a go at doing our own digital art . They all achieved a really nice piece.

Week Commencing 19th February 2024

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term!

Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

Bestwood Class are once again doing independent travel . They have all shown us  how to cross the road safely and remembered to indent when crossing at a junction . We are also looking at Careers this term . We are comparing job roles in the hospitality and retail sectors. We had a walk to Morrisons where we were able to use our independent travel skills when walking. Once in the supermarket we looked at what they sell , Its not just food and drink. The pupils also found out they have a cafe so we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down and a drink ( which they all enjoyed ) before walking back to school. 

Week Commencing 3rd January 2024

Week commencing 18th December 2023


We have had a great time preparing for the festive break, with our Christmas dinner and jumper day, panto and disco! It's been a very busy term and everyone has worked so hard with our 'Walking with our Ancestors' topic to produce some wonderful work. A huge thank you to the parents and carers for your on-going support and we hope everyone has a lovely Christmas break - we look forward to seeing you all in 2024!

Week Commencing 11th December 2023

Bestwood have been busy with our creative skills. We have been designing and creating our own print stamp in Art and the results were fantastic! We carried on our creative theme in DT, to create our own Stone Age houses, using sticks for the frame and adding layers for the outside and roof. 

We have been in the Christmas spirit, creating Christmas tree decorations using different tools - we used drills, different adhesives and sanding techniques to create our own unique trees to hang or stand. We then used different mediums to decorate and finish the products - we are very impressed with how they turned out! We even had a surprise from St. Nicholas πŸ˜„

Week Commencing 27th November 2023

Week Commencing 27th November 2023


This week we have been working hard in DT using different tools. We have been looking at what components are used to make buildings and used sticks and different equipment to secure them together. From our tests, we found that the glue gun worked the best but we wouldn't use a glue gun for buildings! laugh

In Humanities, we are leaving the Bronze Age and moving into the Iron Age. We have covered so many technological developments over the Stone Age and Bronze Age - development of tools, creating and controlling fire for cooking and warmth, settling and developing houses and farming innovations. 

In Maths, we have been looking at rounding with Mrs Jefferies, which is a useful skill for estimating and quick calculations and in Mrs Wilkinson's and Miss Cotterill's group, we have been using the four operations to work with numbers to 100.

In our English lessons, we are learning more about the friendship between Stig and Barney in our class book 'Stig of the Dump' and how Stig is bringing his skills, with Barney's knowledge of modern technology, to hunt and even stop a robbery!

Week commencing - 13th November 2023

Week commencing - 13th November 2023


Bestwood class are really enjoying P.E, we are doing gymnastics. We have looked at jumps and we have used the apparatus to jump from different heights. 

We are also having great fun at forest schools. We particularly enjoyed collecting sticks and lighting a fire to cook on. So far we have cooked sausages, bananas and toasted marshmallows. They were all yummy! 

Week Commencing 16th October 

Bestwood class have shown us how well they can cook. We tasted and chose ingredients to make our final stir fry. They were all different and looked very delicious. Hope you all enjoy the holidays and we will look forwards to seeing everyone in November.   


Trip to Nottingham University

Bestwood class had a fab time at Nottingham University. We learnt all about the stone age by doing lots of fun activities. We were all archaeologists digging for bones. We did cave paintings, made pots and animals out of clay. We also did some weaving and we even milked a goat (not a real goatsmiley). A great day was had by all!

Pioneers Topic Map for Autumn Term - Walking with our Ancestors

Week Commencing 4th September 2023

A huge welcome back to our lovely Bestwood pupils - we are excited to have you back!

This week we have been getting used to being back in school and have already produced some great work in our Maths lesson using Excel graphs, English looking at different writing perspectives and our first visit to Forest School.

Our new topic is Walking with our Ancestors and we will be exploring the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. We have an exciting trip to Nottingham University for our Spirit of the Stone Age experience on the 19th September. Spirit of the Stone Age Day is an immersive experience designed to help children understand the changes that took place in Britain for people living here between the Upper Palaeolithic (‘Old Stone Age’) to the Neolithic (‘New Stone Age’).

The narrative of this day is that the children travel with a “time-travelling guide”, dressed in the type of clothing believed to have been worn during the Stone Age. As the group advances through the ages, the guide will change aspects of their clothing and toolkit accordingly. They will also encourage the children to put themselves in the position of people living here during the Stone Age, and develop an understanding of life at that time.

Welcome back to Autumn Term!

Week commencing 24th July 2023


The staff team would like to wish you all a happy and safe summer holiday and we can't wait to see you all again in September for another year of fun and learning! 

Week beginning - 10th of July

We've had a great week in Bestwood Class, we have settled in nicely and made new friends. We have all been working super hard and have produced some great work. We had a fabulous time making doughnuts and pizzas with Lucy from The Adventure Service, we worked together to make sure we had all the correct ingredients and then created a fire outside to cook them on. The doughnuts went down a treat with a lump of chocolate in the middle.

Well done to Maisie who was our Star of the Week this week laugh - Superstar!

We would like to welcome you all to the new Bestwood Class. 

We are all settling in well and getting used to our new classroom, teachers and friends. laugh

To contact Mrs Jefferies

Bestwood Class Teacher
