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Bumblebees Class

Bumblebees Class 2024/2025

Curriculum Map Summer 1

Week Beginning 16.4.2024

The first week back has been so much fun for our Bumblebees! On Wednesday a few went horse riding in the morning whilst some of the class enjoyed forest schools in the afternoon! On Thursday they engaged in a sensory session at our local library. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and had so much fun! We explored different actions and different sounds and this supported our regulation. 

Week Beginning 19.02.2024

The document above is our curriculum map on what we will be studying across out subjects this half term! 

Week Beginning 15.01.2024

We've had lots of fun this week being involved with our community. Some of us went horse riding. Though we were nervous, we jumped on the horse and had a great time! Some of us had a visit from Jo Jingles, we loved dancing and making actions to the songs. 

Week Beginning 08.01.2024

During this half term we will be focusing on the children's interests and using this to enrich our learning.

Week Beginning 18.12.2023

Bumblebees have had the best time exploring Christmas! We have got ourselves messy with powder snow and paint and using our sensory trays to explore new textures, smells and shapes. We loved having Jo Jingles come and have a sing and dance with some of our class and also had a great time with some parents coming in for Christmas craft! 

Week Beginning 04.12.2023

This week we have been busy experiencing positional language in Maths and using the vocabulary to help us describe clothing in our English lessons. In Art we have been busy rolling paint on to paper and using different textured rollers and wallpaper to see what patterns we could make!

Week Beginning 20.11.2023

Fantastic ice painting during our sensory curriculum session! We spent so much time watching the frozen paint melt and using sticks and paintbrushes to brush the paint onto our paper!

Week Beginning 06.11.2023

Autumn 2 term is here! We are so excited to start this half term as we have so much to look forward to! This half term we will be learning our cross curricular through nursery rhymes. In English we will be retelling the story of the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf. In Maths we will be exploring positional language with humpty dumpty.

Week Beginning 09/10/2023

Wow! We have had so much fun today in the science garden! As part of our community lesson, we ventured out on the school grounds to visit the science garden. We loved exploring and investigating in this amazing place! Some of the children worked together to get the water pump working and others had fun making music on the pipes. 

Week beginning 25/09/2023

This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes! From matching them to pictures, finding pairs and finding objects in the classroom that are 3D shapes! I have been super impressed with how engaged Bumblebees have been! We have been super about learning 3D shapes! 

Week Beginning 11.09.2023

Wow! I can't believe we are almost 2 weeks in! I am so proud of our Bumblebees class! We've had to deal with lots of changes and you have all done amazing! 

We have certainly been busy over the last two weeks! We've been counting stars, reading about astronauts, learning how to feel our emotions, identify different things in the sky and we even had a visit from a Space Dome on Wednesday! 

This half term we are learning all about space and what an exciting Topic this is! 





Week commencing 03.07.2023

Miss Winsor
