Welcome to Butterflies Class!
Our teachers are Mrs Bramley (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Mrs Watson (Thursday, Friday).
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Clarke, Mrs Tyler (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Mrs Thompson (Thursday, Friday).
We have been reading the book ‘Little People, Big Dreams: Florence Nightingale’. This week we looked at the picture of when Florence arrived in the hospital in Scutari from the book and created a setting description. We then we used AI to generate more realistic pictures using our descriptions. The children were so excited to share them and it gave their writing a real purpose.
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Kaiden for showing determination with his independent maths work. Well done Kaiden!
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Daisy for showing determination and focus when pushing herself with her work. Well done Daisy!
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Max for showing courage and working hard in topic and science. Well done Max!
We have been doing some lovely work in our English designing our own play parks! We had to use labels, lists and captions to create our beautiful posters showing what the our dream play parks would look like. 😊🦋
Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is James for being honest about when he needs to have some time outside of the classroom to have a run and a climb. Well done James!
We have had a lovely time this week making some mini tomato tarts. The taste test results were mixed but the chefs were superb! 😊🦋
We have really been enjoying finding key landmarks on our big map of Kirkby-In-Ashfield 😊🦋. The children loved being able to use the big map and then transferring these skills using Google Maps to have a walk around the area online!
Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is Elliot for always being respectful, following school rules and always trying his best with a big smile on his face. Well done Elliot!
This week we had a lovely time making our vegetable ‘rainbow' pizzas! 🍕🍅🥦🌽😊🦋 The children were all very sensible when chopping the vegetables and lots of children wewre brave and tried things they haven't tried before.
Butterflies have also really been enjoying using Google Maps to find key landmarks around Kirkby. We all managed to have a walk around the streets near school. 😊🦋 🗺️
Butterflies have started their cooking project this week all about making tasty treats with vegetables. We had a lovely time chopping and tasting (some) vegetables this week and discussed what we could make in the following weeks using different vegetables.🥒 🥕 🫑 😊🦋
This week has been enterprise week in school and Butterflies have made these gorgeous gonk baubles for their enterprise project.
This week also saw a visit from the library bus and we do love getting nice new books to look at.
As well as this, we are all very excited to start our work on our new book ‘On Sudden Hill’. The children had some lovely discussions about what they could see on the front cover and made some super predictions before reading the book and uncovering the twists and turns within and the theme of friendships.
It has been great to welcome everyone back after half term. What better way to start off than by talking and writing all about fireworks. It was great to hear about everyone’s experiences. 😊🦋 🎆
We have been working really hard on our reading, researching and writing over the last few weeks. The Butterflies have finished off our information text topic with some amazing presentations of our research about our favourite dinosaurs. We are all very proud!
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Alfie for showing great determination in being more independent with his learning. Well done Alfie!
Have a lovely weekend.
We have been really enjoying getting the maths equipment out to support our learning this week. The Butterflies have been using the part-whole model and base 10 to help solve addition and subtraction problems.
Butterflies Class Start of the Week this week is Daisy for being an incredibly kind friend and sharing when her friend was upset. Well done Daisy!
Have a lovely weekend.
We have been learning all about Mary Anning, her discoveries and her challenges. Her fossil finding inspired us to create our own fossils using different types of pasta.
Butterflies Class Start of the Week this week is McKenzie for being very brave when talking about her special people. Well done McKenzie!
Have a lovely weekend.
We have continued our work on 'Chalk' by Bill Thompson in English this week. The children remembered lots about the story and wrote some beautiful sentences to retell it. We then drew our very own chalk dinosaurs on the playground.
In maths we have continued to focus on number and did some excellent work on place value. We really enjoyed the practical side of this and expanding our numbers.
In our humanities work this week we were learning about fossils and how they teach us different things about dinosaurs. We did some excellent matching of fossils to their dinosaurs end enjoyed digging to find the fossils.
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Kaiden for being a kind friend. Well done Kaiden!
Have a lovely weekend.
Another busy and fun filled week in Butterflies Class!
We have started to look at the story 'Chalk' by Bill Thompson in English and it was very interesting because there were no words in the book!
In maths we have continued to focus on number some children have even been working on using their spelling skills in our maths lessons by writing the names of numbers to one hundred.
In art, we got to make natural paints like the cavemen did by grinding berries and seeds. Great fun!
This term in PSHE we will be focusing on who is special to us, different types of families and different types of friendships and relationships. We started this week by discussing our special people and why we thought they were special. It was so heartwarming to hear all of the Butterflies talk about their special people.
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Elliot for being determined and always having a positive attitude to his learning Well done Elliot!
Have a lovely weekend.
We have had a lovely first week back in Butterflies Class!
It was so nice to see and hear all of the exciting things that the children got up to over the summer holidays and it really inspired our writing in English.
In maths we have had a focus on number and the children have impressed us with their counting, sequencing and problem solving skills.
We have started on our 'Jump into the Jurassic' topic and the Butterflies loved getting their hands dirty in our dino digs. The questions and discussions during this activity were amazing.
Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Harvey for being determined and independent with his maths work. Well done Harvey!
Have a lovely weekend.