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Butterflies Class

Butterflies Class 2024-25

Welcome to Butterflies Class!


Our teachers are Mrs Bramley (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Mrs Watson (Thursday, Friday).


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Clarke, Mrs Tyler (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Mrs Thompson (Thursday, Friday).

Our Timetable

Butterflies Class 2023/2024

Week Beginning 08/07/2024

Another great week in Butterflies Class this week.


In English we made our very own amazing ‘Book of Butterflies’. The children chose their butterflie, added colour and design and then produced some lovely writing for us to put them all together in one fantastic book.


We had a lovely time walking round to the cafe on Friday.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Alfie for being such a lovely friend. Well done Alfie!

Week Beginning 01/07/2024

It has been a lovely first week together in Butterflies Class. A big welcome to the new Butterflies Harry, Kaiden, James and Max who have been our Stars of The Week this week for settling in so well! And a big thank you to our old Butterflies for making it so easy for our new friends.


We have been learning all about pictograms and bar charts in maths which was made extra special by collecting data about smarties and fruit pastels.


In D&T the Butterflies have made some excellent model towns that look absolutly wonderful.


It has been lovely to see the children playing together and working so hard already. Well done everyone.

Butterflies have had the best week taking part in lots of different sports and outdoor activities this week! Well done to everyone for keeping such positive attitudes and trying their best all week.

Week Beginning 10/06/2024

What an amazing week we have had creating our own riddles for parents to guess! The Butterflies loved doing this and were so motivated to try and catch their parents out.



Week Beginning 03/06/2024

A huge Happy Birthday to Miles this week! We had a lovely time celebrating with the lovely cakes that Miles brought in to share.

Week Beginning 20/05/2024

Some of the Butterflies had a great time using dominoes to explore halves in maths and were great at using counters to show spots on ladybirds this week. 🐞 Other have been having a great time exploring 3D. Building towers was very exciting!

Week Beginning 13/05/2024

It has been lovely to get out and play in the sunshine today. ☀️


Some of the Butterflies have been working hard on finding and showing halves of different shapes this week whilst others have been doing some excellent shape sorting. 😊🦋

Week Beginning 29/04/2024

It has been fantastic to see the Butterflies flying with their maths this week. Some groups have been counting in their 2s, 10s and 5s and solving problems with these. Some groups have been working on their numbers to 20 and helping to correct the mistakes I keep making with these numbers. It is a good job the children in Butterflies can count!

Week Beginning 22/04/2024

Butterflies continue to work really hard with their learning and this week we have had lots of fun applying our phonics skills to some exciting games this morning.

Week Beginning 15/04/2024

The Butterflies have all come back well rested and ready to go for the summer term! It has been great to see everyone back full of smiles and to hear all about their lovely Easter holidays.


We have got some lovely new reading books in school and the Butterflies are all very excited about reading them!

Week Beginning 18/03/2024

It has been great to get outside in the sunshine a bit more this week. We have some lovely new toys and equipment that the children have loved exploring at play times. Everyone has been turn taking, sharing and being really kind to each other.


We also had a visitor in this week to teach us about animal groups.... Jungle Jo was wonderful and gave us some really interesting facts! We looked at a giant snail, stick insect, centipede, cockroach, frog and snake.

Week Beginning 11/03/2024

We have been watching a clip about the cloud maker in English and this week we are making our own! The children were very excited about making different shaped clouds and the vocabulary that we heard when the children were making these was amazing.

Week Beginning 04/03/2024

It has been so lovely to hear all about the children's favourite books this week as we celebrated World Book Day. And to top it off We joined King Orang-utan I for his fabulous coronation celebration!

Week Beginning 26/02/2024

The Butterflies have been solving lots of problems about length this week. It has been great to hear their discussions and to see them applying their maths skills in different situations. 

 It was lovely to hear the children using the vocabulary taller, shorter, bigger, smaller.


In English we had a special invitation from King Orang-utan I to his coronation which the children all replied to with a huge yes.

Week Beginning 19/02/2024

What a lovely start to the half term it has been this week. We have started a new topic all about the Royal Family and have really enjoyed reading the David Walliams book 'The Queen's Orang-utan.' Elliot really impressed us with his knowledge about the royal family and where they live.


In maths we have been doing some excellent work on comparing sizes and measuring this week. Harvey was a whiz at recognising the biggest and smallest even when we tried out best to catch him out.


Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is Daisy for showing great determination with working more independently and challenging herself. Well done Daisy!

Week Beginning 05/02/2024

This week has been our last week at Forest Schools and all of the Butterflies are sad that it is over. They has shown great courage, determination and resilience over the past half term and have built so many skills in the forest. On top of that, it has all been done with big smiles and positive attitudes. Well done Butterflies!


We have also had the oportunity this week to put our science learning into action by making some amazing musical instruments. The vocabulary that we hear throughout this activity was so amazing!


Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is McKenzie for being determined to use different resources to help her work more independently. Well done McKenzie!

Week Beginning 29/01/2024

We have built on our knowledge and understanding of positional language this week. Not only did we have to give and follow instructions to and from our friends, we then had to apply these skills to navigate the BeeBots around lots of different maps. It was lots of fun! 

Week Beginning 22/01/2024

This week we have continued to follow the news about the volcano that erupted in Iceland. The Butterflies decided that it was really important that the whole world knew what was going on so we decided to become newspaper reporters!


We started by looking at lots of different text types with a big focus on newspapers and what they are.


Then the children did some excellent role play. They took it in turns to be the news reporter and someone that had to be evacuated from their home. The vocabulary was amazing!


Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is Alfie for showing lots of Courage and becoming more independent and grown up. Well done Alfie!



Week Beginning 15/01/2024

Butterflies had a fabulous time at forest school this week. We played hide and seek, had hot chocolate and marshmallows and enjoyed the hammock and balancing activities. It was so lovely to see the children enjoying the outside space together and enjoying being together.


We have really enjoyed our science this week exploring how sound moves through different materials. And in RE we learnt all about baptisms and even had a go at becoming a baptist.


Butterflies Class Star of The Week this week is Harvey for always being a positive role model.

The Victorians

Week Beginning 18/12/2023

Merry Christmas from Butterflies Class! We have had a lovely week this week doing lots of Christmassy things such as Christmas crafts, reading the book 'I Love You Father Christmas', enjoying our Christmas dinner with beautiful Christmas jumpers on and watching a fantastic panto.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Leila for using her iPad more to help her communication. Well done Leila!


Have an amazing Christmas holiday. See you in January!

Week Beginning 11/12/2023

It has been a very busy week this week in Butterflies Class. Firstly, I would like to thank all of the parents and grandparents that came to our lovely Christmas craft afternoon. It was so lovely to get to see you all and the children were very excited to work with you.


We also had our amazing visit to Newstead Abbey this week to experience a 'Victorian Christmas' and the Butterflies had a fantastic time! The children explored the house, played with some toys, made spice bags, watched a 'magic lantern show' and played games with Mr Webb. It was so wonderful to see the children so engaged with the day and they all looked fantastic in their Victorian outfits.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Aubin for being so respectful and engaging so well with the visit. Well done Aubin!

Week Beginning 04/12/2023

The Butterflies worked so hard last week as a team to make an amazing non-fiction book about Victorian Children and we wanted to share it with you all! 


We also did some excellent shape sorting with lots of lovely talking about colours, sides and shape names. Some children looked at the different properties of 2D shapes and as an extra challenge sorted them using Venn diagrams.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Harvey for always being respectful and trying his best. Well done Harvey!

Week Beginning 27/11/2023

We are really enjoying learning about children in the Victorian times in Butterflies Class this half ter. This week we have been using non-fiction texts to support our learning. We have been looking at the pictures of Victorian children and talking about what is the same and different to children now.


We even had our very own experience of a Victorian classroom this week and all of the children decided that it is much nicer to go to school now!


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Harvey for always being kind and respectful. Well done Harvey.

Week Beginning 20/11/2023

It has been great to see the children growing in confidence with their number work this week. We have been playing lots of games and using different resources to support our learning.


Butterflies Class love doing their active blast challenge everyday to get us active and ready to learn.

Week Beginning 13/11/2023

Another amazing week in Butterflies Class this week. We have been looking at different patterns this week in maths and the children have been using different resources and colours to show off their amazing pattern work.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Aubin for showing great determination to follow the class rules and for making such lovely friends. Well done Aubin.


Have a lovely weekend.

Week Beginning 06/11/2023

It has been a fabulous week back in Butterflies Class! We welcomed Aubin to our class this week and all of the Butterflies have made him feel very welcome already. It has been great to see some lovely new friendships being developed already.


We have started to do some yoga this half and the Butterflies impressed us all with their concentration and positive attitude in this session. 


The Library Bus came to visit this week and all of the Butterflies were very excited to choose their new books.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Alfie for having such a positive attitude towards his learning. Well done Alfie.


Have a lovely weekend.



Week Beginning 09/10/2023

We have become scientists this week in Butterflies and in teams, discovered lots of new types of aliens. These included Martians, Satters, Jupitons and Alien Bob. They children used their imaginations to create fact files for these aliens.


In maths we have been using lots of different resources to help us solve a range of addition problems.


This weeks topic has seen us learning lots about Mars. We found it very interesting that it was called 'The Red Planet' because it is so hot.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Rosie for being so determined with her work. Well done Rosie!

Week Beginning 02/10/2023

This week we have been learning all about Urishons that a a type of alien that can be found on Uranus. The children learnt lots of information about these and all decided that they would make fantastic scientists.


In maths, we have continued our topic on time and have moved on from sequencing events of the day to looking at clocks and understanding what they re used for. We spoke about key times in the day and even made our own clocks to help with our learning!


In topic we have been looking at timelines and learning all about why they help us to order events.


Butterflies Class Star of the Week this week is Daisy for showing courage when her tooth fell out. Well done Daisy!

Week Beginning 25/09/2023

In English this week, we took inspiration from Bob and his Moon Tours and created our very own special space experience. We made lots of lovely posters to encourage people to join in with our experiences.


Butterflies have been showing off their knowledge of the days of the week and months of the years in maths and have been sequencing different things that they do each day.


We had a lovely time making our own pulley system with card and yogurt pots.


Butterflies Class Star Of The Week this week is Leila for being a kind and helpful friend. Well done Leila!

Week Beginning 18/09/2023

This week in maths we have been solving number problems and continuing to develop our understanding of number.


We have been learning about pulleys and how they help us to lift heavy things.


It was lovely to see the Butterflies having a go at creating their own space pictures with chalk outside this week. There was some fabulous talking about the Earth, Moon and Sun and lots of different planets.


Butterflies Class Star Of The Week this week is Elliot for being determined with his work and trying to be more independent. Well done Elliot!

Week Beginning 11/09/2023

We have continued to look at the book 'Man on the Moon' this week and have been helping Bob to run his Moon Tours. All of the Butterflies did some excellent communicating to express what they could see, hear and smell on the moon.


In maths we have been using objects and counters as well as ten frames to support our counting skills.


We had a special visit from the Space Dome as well this week which was very exciting!


Butterflies Class Star Of The Week this week is Alfie for respecting rules and boundaries. Well done Alfie!

Week Beginning 04/09/2023

What a fabulous first week we have had in Butterflies!


It has been great to see everyone after the summer holidays and the Butterflies have shown us that they are excited for the year ahead.


We can already see some lovely friendships forming within the class and the interactions between the children have been wonderful.


We have started our 'Space; topic off with a bang this week by reading the story 'Whatever Next'. The children were fantastic at remembering key information from the story and loved doing a bit of role play by becoming Baby Bear and visiting the moon.


Butterflies Class Star Of The Week this week is Kenzie for making lots of news friends across the school. Well done Kenzie!

3, 2, 1... Blast Off!

Have a look at what we will be learning this half term. 

Butterflies Class Timetable

Blast off!


Week Beginning 3rd July 2023

Welcome to Butterflies! 


We have had a great few days in our new class! The children have been full of smiles and enthusiasm. It has been great to see how well Alfie and Rosie have adapted to their new class and wonderful to see how welcoming McKenzie, Harvey, Miles and Noah have been. 


We have even had some visits from Daisy, Leila and Kenzie which added even more excitement to our week. 


Our topic will continue to be Land Ahoy as it has been so far this term and we are looking forward to seeing what the children can do.

Contact Mrs Watson and Mrs Bramley
