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Clumber Class

Clumber Class 2024/2025

Week commencing 17/01/25

This week, we have been busy learning:

  • English: As part of our "American Road Trip" theme, we have been reading stories from Native people as part of our American Road Trip. We have been discussing morals and how stories can teach us lessons.
  • PSHE: We have been looking at ways we can contribute to keeping our environment safe, tidy and how to take responsibility for our own spaces.
  • Humanities: We are looking at the discovery of America, Christopher Columbus and how we talk about periods of time in history.
  • DT: We are practicing making omelettes and amending the ingredients each week to try different ingredients (so by half term, they should be able to treat you to a tasty omelette!).
  • PE: We are practicing leading warm ups and our leadership and communication skills when playing sports.


Week Commencing 06/01/2025

Welcome Back to Clumber Class!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Clumber Class has returned to school full of energy and enthusiasm for learning, and we are excited to dive into our new topics.

  • In Humanities, we are embarking on an American Road Trip. This term, we will be exploring the origins of the USA and learning about the pioneers who discovered the west.
  • In PSHE, our focus is on the environment. We will be discussing ways to care for our planet, taking part in tree planting, and even growing our own plants and vegetables.
  • In RE, we are learning about pilgrimages, exploring the idea of these special journeys and their significance across different cultures and religions.
  • In DT, our cooking skills will take centre stage as we focus on mixing and combining ingredients, developing confidence in the kitchen.

It is going to be a fantastic term filled with discovery, creativity, and hands-on learning!

Spring Term timetable

Spring Term 2025

Week Commencing 23/09/24

Week Commencing 23/09/24

This week in Clumber class, we have continued reading our class book, Danny the Champion of the World, and have been trying to consider how the characters feel, using adjectives and recreating the scenes.
In our Zones lesson, we have been thinking about how facial expressions can give us clues to how people are feeling and we looked at examples and tried to name those feelings.
In our RE lesson, we have been thinking about what it means when people 'pass away' and how our lives can be thought of as a journey - there were some really thoughtful comments shared!

In Science, we have been looking at the respiratory system and identifying different parts of the lungs - the pupils made some amazing 3d models with labels!

In assembly, we celebrated European Day of Languages and practiced greetings in different languages - there are some well travelled pupils!

Week Commencing 09/09/24


A great week 2 in Clumber class! This week, the class started reading ‘Danny the Champion of the World’ and making predictions based on what we can see and the story summary. In our Zones of Regulation lesson, we discussed what it means to feel proud, how it can motivate us, and how it makes us feel good. In RE, we explored the human life cycle and the idea of life as a journey, recognizing that while we all have different experiences, we celebrate special times (milestones) in a way that is similar across different religions. During our Humanities lesson, we learned about the roles in Medieval society and the concept of ‘the Feudal System’. We even role-played different jobs and the rules of a Medieval village – I think many would definitely prefer to be the lord of the castle! 😊 In PSHE, we spent time getting to know different people in the class, practicing turn-taking and handling moments when we lose in a game to strengthen our friendship skills. Finally, in Art, we practiced drawing perspective lines and used the correct terminology to discuss art, its properties, and how it makes us feel.

Clumber Timetable

Contact Mrs Jefferies
