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Dragonflies Class

Dragonflies Class 2024/2025

Week Beginning: Monday 17th June 2024


Dragonflies have had a fantastic sports week. We have been playing boccia with Mrs Lakin and taken part in forest schools with Mrs Watson. We have also had a trip to the park and enjoyed Tag Active at Lammas leisure centre. 

English: Weather Forecast

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week Beginning: Monday 29th April 2024


For the last couple of week, Dragonflies have been looking at language linked to time and the different types of weather. We have been writing simple sentences as well as starting to write extended sentences by using connectives. This week we pretended to be a weather forecaster and read weather scripts. Some of the children then went on to write their own weather script. 

DT: Guinea Pig Houses

Week Beginning: Monday 25th March 2024


This term dragonflies have been designing and making houses for the guinea pigs. They started by drawing their design, then they though about ways to make different structures and then went on to make their final product. As you can see, the guinea pigs loved playing in their new houses. 

Maths: Measuring

Week Beginning: Monday 18th March 2024


This week Dragonflies have been measuring liquids. We started by identifying empty, full and half full and then moved onto measuring in ML and L. The pupils used different jugs to equipment to measure the liquids and some children started to compare volume and capacity. 

Bracken Hill Café

Week Beginning: Monday 23rd February 2024

This half term, Dragonflies are visiting the post 16 cafe on a Friday. This week we really enjoyed walking to the cafe and ordering something off the menu. Once we had eaten our food, we then took it in turns to pay for our drink and snack. Everyone was really well behaved and it gave us a great opportunity to work on using our manors. 

Guinea Pigs

Week Beginning: Monday 8th January 2024


This week Dragonflies have been really excited to look after the school guinea pigs! Every morning the class have made sure that they have enough food, water and hay and made sure they are ok at the end of the day. Everyone has really enjoyed holding the guinea pigs and feeding them green beans. 

Week Beginning: Monday 12th December 2023


This week Dragonflies and Butterflies went to Newstead Abbey and became the children of the estate workers, farm workers, grooms and gardeners who work for Mr and Mrs Webb, the owners of Newstead Abbey. The day was set in Victorian times in the 1880’s. The children helped with the preparations for Christmas at the Abbey and made herb bags with Holt, and played parlour games with Mr Webb. We also looked at Victorian toys in the attic rooms where the Webb children ‘live’, and watched an authentic magic lantern show.




English: Predictions

Week Beginning: Monday 20th November 2023 


This week in Dragonflies we are starting a new book! "You wouldn`t want to be a Victorian school child". On Monday we had a look at the front cover and then started to make predictions about what we think the book could be about. Everyone had a really good try at looking at the front cover and thinking about who the book might be about and if it was going to be a happy or sad book. 

Money Week

Week Beginning: Monday 6th November 2023


This week has been our whole school money week! We have been recognising money in maths and in English we have been learning how to create a list. On Friday we went on the school minibus to Morrisons. Everyone had their shopping list and we moved around Morrisons looking for the price of different items. Before we left everyone had the chance to spend their £1. This was really challenging for some pupils and we had lots of discussions about the value of £1 and what little it can buy you in a shop. 

Science: Shadows

Week Beginning: Monday 16th October 2023 


This week in science we have moved on to looking at shadows. We have learnt that shadows are created when an object blocks the light. We had a go at creating shadows with a torch in a dark room and outside with the sun. We talked about how shadows change position throughout the day, due to the earth orbiting the sun to create day and night. 

Forest School

Week beginning: Monday 2nd October 


This term Dragonflies have been taking part in Forest schools on a Wednesday afternoon. We have all really enjoyed exploring the open area and hiding behind trees. At forest school we make fires, cook food and enjoy playing with the mud kitchen. It is a really good opportunity for team building and exploring nature. 

English: Whatever Next

Week Beginning: Monday 18th September 2023


Dragonflies have settled back into the routine of school really well and our new starters have made fabulous progress! 

This week in English we have continued to read the book Whatever Next. We talked about the book and thought about how baby bear might have felt. We then took part in role play activities and pretended we were going to the moon in our very own box rocket. Everyone had a great time and we will now begin to write about our journey to the moon. 

Dragonflies Class

Week Beginning: Monday 4th September 2023


Dragonflies have started back to school in a great mood! They have been really excited to talk about what they did in the holidays and have had some great conversations with each other. 

In maths we have started to work with numbers and in English we have completed some writing to go with the pictures that parents sent in, showing what the children did in the holidays. 

This term our topic is space and everyone is super excited! 

Curriculum map Autumn 1



Week Beginning: Monday 17th July 2023


Wow! What a great transition to Dragonflies class. We have spent the last 3 weeks getting to know our new friends in Dragonflies and making everyone feel calm and happy. 

We have completed lots of work based on our book `The Pirate Next Door` and our current students have written some lovely letters to our new September starters. 

We have already started working on our abilty to work as a team and how to work together as a class. 

On Thursday we had our first trip to Sutton as a class, we looked for postboxes and posted our letters. 

Everyone had a great time and we look forward to Septermber!  

Contact Miss Wakefield
