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Grasshopper Class

Grasshoppers Class 2024/2025

Class information


  • PE on a Thursday and Friday - please send your child in PE kit for the day. 
  • Swimming will be in 2025- we will let you know details nearer the time.
  • Forest school starts Wednesday 11th September - information will be sent out.
  • Don't forget to send reading books and diaries in each day. 
  • Homework will be set on a Friday. 
  • Please message via SeeSaw with any queries. 


    The Grasshoppers Team smiley

Summer 2


We have had a lovely end to the Summer term in Grasshoppers! We have learnt more about Mexico, about the fiestas and food. We have loved reading our text 'The Boy who travelled the world' in English and looking at the characters and illustrations and making sentences. In Maths we have practiced our counting and number recognition skills and also been looking at measuring classroom objects, thinking about if they are longer or shorter, as well as weighing toy animals using the scales. We have been learning about looking after our planet in science and ways that we can save water and electricity, as well as thinking about recycling. In our last week we have enjoyed Bracken Hill's got talent , our school disco and also a special visit from the ice cream van!


Have a super summer break everyone and we look forward to seeing you again in September!


Summer Term 

In English we have been learning all about Mexico!

We have had so much fun looking at different locations in the country and their different celebrations. We created posters of Mexico and labelled them using different captions. In maths we have been focussing on lots different things! We have been working on estimating and guessing how many concrete objects there are in bowls. 

We have loved Art, Food technology and DT this term, we have been working on our weaving skills and have used lots of different coloured card and natural materials to create different woven squares. In food we have been making some yummy health treats, we have made flap jack, coleslaw and banana pancakes (These were the class favourites!) 

For our Topic we have been looking at Weather and climates, we worked hard to sort out different pictures of countries into  hot and cold countries. The children found this a little tricky but with a little help they worked out what they were. As we wind down after a very busy term the children took advantage of the weather and we took a trip to Sutton Lawn, they had a great time running around and using all the climbing frames. 


Sports Week


The grasshoppers have has SO much fun during sports week, they enjoyed making toasted jam sandwiches during Adventure service and listened really well to the safety instructions and helped the instructor create the fire. We also had fun on the climbing wall, some of the grasshoppers were so brave and climbed all the way to the top, we finished off the day with a relaxing yoga session in the small hall and to finish off the week the children enjoyed an afternoon of swimming


Week Commencing 24th May 


We have had lots of fun this half term in class. The children have been exploring and learning about plants in science, Mrs Topping and Miss Straw helped them all to plant their own flower that we had to take care of and watch it grow. We have also been working hard to label the different features of the plants using symbols.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our book in English, ‘In every house on every street’, the children were labelling what they can see on the pages and forming sentences using colourful semantics. The children also enjoyed talking about the different houses and what they have in their homes.

In maths we have been focussing on time, as a class we looked at our daily timetable and what times we do different activities and using the mini clocks to make the time. For PE we have been working on our bat and ball skills, they have enjoyed playing different ball games and hoop tennis, they found this game very tricky but with a lot of practice they managed it.

In music this half term we have been focussing on moving our body to different types of music and different rhythms. They really enjoyed exploring all of the different instruments to create different sounds and lots of noise! We had lots of fun dancing and moving to different songs.


We hope you all have a lovely half term and we will see you all soon!


The Grasshoppers Team smiley


Welcome back Grasshoppers!


Our topic this term is ‘Home and Away’, so far we have been having a look at the seasons and the different weather we have. The children enjoyed having a little season photo shoot in front of the different seasonal backgrounds! We have also explored some seasonal themed sensory trays, the children loved to feel the different textures in the trays, we had sand, shells and arctic animals in the ‘snow’. In Art and DT we have been looking at weaving and the different materials we can use to do this. In English we have been looking at new book called 'In Every House on Every Street' so far the children have enjoyed looking at the different houses and talking about what they can see, We have been focusing on rhyming words, the children were asked to find words that sounded the same within the text, they worked super hard and found them all. 

In Maths this week the Grasshoppers have been looking at the different size language, they have worked hard to sort out lots of different concrete objects into 'Big' and Large and 'Little' and 'Small'. 

to round off a busy first few weeks back we enjoyed a trip to the café! ðŸ˜Š

Spring Term 

We have been so busy this term, The children have enjoyed lot's of different activities! 

Jungle Jo made a visit to our class and she brought along some of her jungle pets! The children were a little scared of some of the animals but were brave and held and touched some of them, Miss Straw was very brave and conquered her fear and held a snake!! It felt very weird and was really cold, it's name was Chip!

For our literacy the children have been learning all about instructions. They have been using colourful semantics to write their own instructions, to finish our topic we wrote instructions on how to care for a snake! We have also been speaking about animals in science, we have been asking the children to look at the different features of the animals and if they are the same as ours. 

We have had so much fun at Forest schools this term, the children have enjoyed hot chocolate, bug hunting, finding woodland animals in the forest, lots of bubble and keep warm by the fire! 

To end a very jam packed term the children enjoyed making some chocolate Easter nests, the Grasshoppers enjoyed mixing all the chocolate and cereal together and adding all of the different toppings. 


We hope you all have a wonderful Easter and will see you all after half term


The Grasshoppers Team blush

Week Commencing 26th February 

Grasshoppers class have been super busy just recently! We have been enjoying our new topic 'Rocking Royals'. The children enjoyed a lesson of lots of royal activities, they made jeweled goblets, built castles using the bricks, made their own crowns, coloured in the union jack flag and were treated to a royal tea of cakes and biscuits kindly made by Mrs Jenkin's mum! The children have also been sent a postcard from King Charles!

They learnt about what a postcard was and they worked hard to label them. 

We have been having lot's of fun at Forest Schools, this week the children had to go on a hunt in the forest and we had to see who could find the biggest stick! Miss Straw and Logan won! It was a HUGE stick and was very heavy. Once they finished all of their games they settled down by the fire pit and enjoyed a Hot Chocolate! blush

We can't wait to go back for more fun next week! laugh


Week Commencing 29th January 

The Grasshoppers have been very busy recently, We have been focussing on heavier and lighter in maths. The children really enjoyed the visual aspect of this lesson and enjoyed weighing different items that they found around the classroom. Some of the other children have been working on more and less using the counters and 10s frames

As we have been focussing on disasters this term we have been looking at fiction and non-fiction books and texts. Some of the children spent time labelling what they could see on the different types of books. In DT the children enjoyed using old boxes to build different structures, they had to figure out what size boxes they had to use at the bottom to make sure it remained balanced and how to form it into a point at the top. 

Finally in science we have investigating sound and how different instruments create different sounds and how they may vibrate. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring all of the different instruments and creating lots of different sounds. 




Week Commencing 15th January

This week the grasshoppers have been working hard in PE, we have been playing the Bean game! The class have had to listen carefully to their instruction and Mrs Jenkin shouted out a name of a bean and they had to remember the action. In science we have been focussing on sound, Miss Straw added some instruments to a bag and had the children close their eyes and they had to say how the different sounds made them feel. To finish off the week some of the children paid a visit to the Guinea Pigs and enjoyed holding them, the children were not ready to hold them with their hands so we gave them a cuddle in their beds!

Week Commencing 9th January

We have welcomed the Grasshoppers back with open arms. It is great to have them back!

We have had a great first few days back at school, our topic this half term is Disasters! 

For our english we eased the children in with some sensory exploring and making rain sound makers and exploring snow dough! 

During our Topic lesson we have been exploring Rain. Miss Straw was very brave and volunteered to be sat under the umbrella and Mrs Jenkin poured the water to imitate the rain! 

We are looking forward to learning about different weathers and disasters during this topic! 

Week Commencing 18th December 2023


We have been very busy in class this past few weeks, we have been learning all about circuits in science, practising our catching and throwing skills in PE and learning about recognising different lengths and sizes for maths.

To round of  a very busy half term the Grasshoppers have enjoyed a Christmas themed craft afternoon with their family members, they made cut out snowmen  pictures, lolly pop Christmas trees, holly wreaths and salt dough tree decorations. We are all ready for our Christmas holidays now and are well and truly in the Christmas spirit! blush


We hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

We will see you back here on the 04/01/2024🎅🎄

Week Commencing 4th December 

Our topic this term has been The Victorians. For our english lesson we set up our classroom to look similar to a Victorian classroom. The children enjoyed taking part in lots of different Victorian activities such as sewing, spinning tops and writing on chalkboards, some of the Grasshoppers enjoyed dressing up as Victorian children, they day after the children wrote about the activities they had taken part in.We have found this topic very interesting, we have learnt about the different modes of transport and some of the jobs that children had to do during the Victorian times. 

Week Commencing 20th November 

This week in Grasshoppers we have been very buys and have had lots of fun! We have been investigating sequencing and circuits. In ICT we were sequencing the steps on 'how to make a Jam sandwhich' the grasshoppers were very good at this and their favourite part was obviously the taste testing! In Science we have been making circuits, this was a very noisy activity but the children had lots of fun exploring how to make the different electronic items work. For DT we are focusing on our cooking skills, we had lots of fun trying different vegetables and dipping them into humus! The Grasshoppers were very careful when using the knife and displayed excellent control! 

Week commencing 13th November 


We have had a great week in class this week, we have been learning all about Victorians and what they wear and wore the schools looked like. In science this week we have been focusing on battery and electric items, we have been on a learning walk around school to look at what different items we could find that use electricity and batteries! The Grasshoppers really enjoyed this! 

m The Grasshoppers Team :) 


Week commencing 9th October

The Grasshoppers have had another exciting week exploring our space topic 'Blast Off!'. We have continued to explore the solar system and looking at light and dark. In English, we have enjoyed looking at our new book, 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. We made our own rockets to travel to the moon and enjoyed a space picnic! In music, we have enjoyed shaking and tapping our instruments to the beat and playing loud and quiet. Superstar Grasshoppers!

Week commencing 2nd October

This week, the grasshoppers have been working super hard in their maths looking at repeating patterns of colour and size, and counting forwards and backwards. We have enjoyed looking at our class book, 'How to catch a star' by Oliver Jeffers. We have also been learning more about our space topic, and more about the Sun, moon and Earth. In PE, we practised moving around the hall like animals, and using the apparatus and mats to balance and jump. What superstars you are Grasshoppers!

Week commencing September 11th 2023



Grasshoppers have had an amazing first week back , moving into their brand new classroom! The children have settled very well and we have been very proud of them. We have had a space dome experience this week  where we listened to facts about the solar system and saw beautiful images of the planets, sun and moon. We enjoyed a PE session listening to instructions of stop and go and moving like different animals. We finished off the week by visiting the cafe , enjoying a juice and a slice of toast. What a fantastic first week back!  Pictures to follow very soon.smiley


Mrs Jenkin and the Grasshoppers team.

Contact Mrs Jenkin
