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Ladybirds Class

Ladybirds Class 2024-2025

Ladybirds have been very busy. It's been sad as many children flew to different classes for transition, however we have had many visits from the new Ladybirds that will be arriving in September, which has been lovely. The other children have been brilliant at welcoming the new children into Ladybirds.
We have been focusing on Mexico and finding it on a map. We have also looked at the weather over there and created some beautiful Mexican landscapes, using paint. We have been practising our weaving skills and we even made challah bread for R.E.


Well done have all worked very hard this year and I am looking to seeing you in September with all the new additions, including Mr Bradshaw!🙂🐞

Ladybirds class 23-24

The Ladybirds have had a busy couple of weeks, settling back in after the half term break. We have been working on our mouse control, using the laptops. Some of us struggled with that, so used an iPad. We had a go at estimating how many cubes we had but we found estimating quite difficult. We had so much fun doing the Attention Autism bucket because Mrs Austin got shaving foam all over her hair and was hilarious!! Some of Ladybirds experienced Forest schools, which they absolutely loved!!


The children have enjoyed rolling our clay and creating patterns in their tiles. During our topic, we have been looking at identifying the land and the sea and seeing where the Equator is and the North and South Pole!

We all had a go at weaving using paper and cardboard...they had a great go at this!!


Our stars of the Week have been Kara and Kaiden - well done you guys!! 

Ladybirds have been copying patterns and continuing the patterns, using colour and different sizes. The children have enjoyed exploring the sensory trays linking to the seasons and matching pictures to it. We had a delivery of babies and the children have loved playing with them and dressing them. We have been exploring fiction and non-fiction books and looking at their features. 


In food technology, we grated fruit and made yoghurt. The children didn't really like the yoghurt so we froze them and they enjoyed them as ice lollies. Some of the children have enjoyed Forest Schools and exploring the outdoors. In art, Ladybirds have used a rolling pin to roll out playdough and use cutters. As always, we all have loved visiting the cafe!


A great two weeks, Ladybirds! Well done :)

We have had a busy few weeks in Ladybirds after the Easter holidays, but we have had so much fun! We have been counting in maths, some of us have even been having a go at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s!! Good job guys! We have identifying if objects are small or big and we have been ordering objects from smallest to largest. We really enjoyed exploring the sensory trays linked to the seasons and some of us had fun in a big box too!! 


Most of the class have had fun grating vegetables to make a coleslaw and we popped different fruit and vegetables into a smoothie maker to make a smoothie. Not everyone tried it but everyone touched the fruit, which was fantastic. Some of us loved making a den in the sensory room. Ladybirds are loving our weekly trip to the cafe, ordering our food and paying, using our money!!


A fantastic start to summer term. Well done everyone!! laugh

Home and Away!

The Ladybirds have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes in maths; naming them and describing them. We have been using Beebots and seeing if we can follow simple commands. Ladybirds have been learning about different animals in Science so we had a visit from Jungle Jo and her little friends. She brought in a giant snail, a frog, stick insects, a snake and a tarantula. Absolutely fantastic!!



Happy Easter Ladybirds. See you in Summer!! :)

Week beginning - 4th of March 2024

We've had a great time in Ladybirds for the past couple of weeks. Our new topic is 'Rocking Royals', we have been learning all about Royalty and this week we learnt about King Charles III, we learnt he he is the King of England and he has two sons, William and Harry.

Last week, we enjoyed our very own special tea party with Royal activities. We made flags, decorated cups, ate Royal crown biscuits and drank Royal juice from our very Royal tea set - We all had so much fun! 

In Maths we have been learning about full, half and quarter turns and money. We went to the cafe and ate lots of yummy treats and used our own money to pay. 

We have also been creating strong structures in DT, listening to audio books in computing, learning how to use the Beebots and looked at the artist Kusam and their 3D art work, we made our own and they turned out fabulous!

Some of our children had haircuts by the wonderful, Mrs Stubbs - they were very brave and all looked super smart. 

And last by not least, we had our amazing World Book Day, our children and staff dressed up as different book characters and read stories to different classes. We had Mr Jackson, who read us a great story about chocolate cake! - We had a lovely time and we all looked brilliant!!!

What a fab start to the half term. Ladybirds have been very busy. For our 'Rocking Royalty' topic, we have had a focus on 'The King's Pants,' in English, which the children have enjoyed. We looked at the different vocabulary and initial letter sounds of words in the book. We ordered pictures in the book and predicted what may happen. Ladybirds have enjoyed exploring Beebots and sending them in different directions. We have been looking at structures in DT so began the lesson by building structures. In art, the children have been looking at different artists and have tried to copy some of their work. In P.E, we have been testing our flexibility by doing yoga and trying out different moves. The children have loved having playdoh out to start the term and have been sharing the playdoh and playdoh tools fantastically. Most of the children enjoyed seeing the school guinea pigs. What was fantastic was the children that were quite weary, were still happy to visit them and look at them - good job guys!! Finally, it was Kaiden's birthday so the children sang 'Happy Birthday' to him, which he loved and Kaiden treated the other children to some sweet treats - thanks Kaiden...hope you had a lovely birthday!!

Rocking Royalty

The children have enjoyed looking at heavy and light this week and using cubes to measure what items weigh. We have been looking at different weather poems in English and played with snow, made a rain maker and made a flag to represent the wind. The children have started to remember the poem, which is fantastic!

In food technology, we followed a symbolised recipe to make flapjack (including chocolate). They were delicious. 

The children have enjoyed working together in P.E and they loved dancing to Just Dance. We enjoyed going to the cafe and having ice cream, biscuits and Mrs Austin, Mrs Riley and Sadie had a sausage cob.


We can't wait for next half term! smiley

Welcome back Ladybirds!! smiley


We are enjoying learning about our new topic Disasters! We have been learning all about hurricanes, tornadoes, hail etc and we even made rain clouds using shaving foam and blue food colouring. It was so much fun! We have had a big focus on sharing the toys we want to play with, with our friends. We have been matching symbols to pictures in English. 

Thomas was our Star of the Week, as he has been completing his work using his Now and Next board - good job Thomas!!

We really enjoyed painting our hands with primary colours in art and putting them together to make secondary colours. 

Ladybirds have enjoyed going to the College Cafe and choosing what snack we'd like to eat. We are then paying with our own money. Fantastic work guys!


Week beginning - 18th of December 

We have all had an enjoyable week with lots of exciting things happening. We have been to see our new school guinea pigs, some of us held them while others preferred to hold them in their bed. The guinea pigs were making happy noises and were really friendly. 

On Monday, we had our Christmas Crafts afternoon. We invited our parents/carers into school and we made lots of great things to take home. We were all so excited to see our family members and our teachers loved meeting them too.

Wednesday was Christmas dinner day at Bracken Hill, we all got to sit together and enjoy our Christmas dinner with some festive music - Thank you to all the dinner staff for making it so yummy!


We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. We will see you all back on the 4th of January to start the new year. 

- The Ladybird's Team. laugh




The Ladybirds have been busy this week. We took pictures of our sequencing in computing and printed them off. In DT, we used a pulley to solve a problem, which the children were really good at! In maths, she used a tens frame to add two numbers together. Some of us matched initial letter sounds. 

Elsie was our star of the week, as she always says Good Morning to everyone!! The children enjoyed rolling toys and cars in paint. Ladybirds enjoyed playing with balls in P.E. A great week!! 

We've had a great week! We have been learning about part whole models in maths and using cubes to help us. In DT, we have been exploring different pulleys and in PSHE, we played a game around what we would say if one of our body parts was hurting. In English, we used musical instruments to copy the rhythm of the book we have been learning about, 'The Train Ride.' We loved PE this week as it was all about throwing and catching. During our Humanities lesson, we was comparing our clothes to those during Victorian times. We tried Victorian clothes on an even turned into servants!

Well done Ladybirds! 


Mrs Austin and the Ladybirds' team!

In Ladybirds this week, we have been using our knife skills to cut food, and then we had a nibble of what we had been cutting. We've been using cubes to count in Maths and using ten frames to represent objects. In English, we have still been looking at the book 'Whatever Next.' We have been identifying objects in the book, ordering sentences and retelling the story. During P.E this week, we used our bodies to create different shapes and then we tried to jump off the bench in these shapes, e.g. pencil jump. 


As Thomas and Mrs Rawson's selfie shows, we have had a fun week!! :)


The Ladybirds' Team.

We have had a busy week in Ladybirds. We have been using our knife skills to spread butter, jam or honey on toast or pancakes and then if we wanted, we ate them. Yummy! In English, we have been reading 'Whatever Next!' We found a space helmet, space boots and got in our rocket. We then had a picnic on the moon and watched Mrs Austin shoot a rocket to the moon. It was awesome!!

In maths, we were copying patterns, using different colours and some of us continued the patterns and created our own. Ladybirds then enjoyed a sensory circuit in the small hall. We have had such good fun!!


The Ladybirds' Team :)

We have had a fantastic week and the children have settled in really well. The children have enjoyed playtime outside (when it's not been raining). In Food Technology, we chose different fruit and veg, which we loved. During maths, we have been counting objects, pictures and matching numbers. 

The best thing that happened all week was the space dome came to school. It was amazing!! We went in it and there were stars, planets, the moon and the sun. We watched different shows and sang lots of songs, which was brilliant!  

On Friday, we took a visit to the College Cafe and most of us ordered ice was yummy! 


Well done Ladybirds. A fantastic week had by all!


The Ladybirds' Team smiley

Welcome back everyone and welcome to Bracken Hill's brand new class. 

We can't wait to see everyone in our lovely new classroom and we can't wait to get started!


Mrs Austin and the Ladybirds' team! smiley

3, 2, 1, Blast Off!

Mrs Austin
