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Newstead Class

Newstead class 2024-2025

Week beginning: 17.6.24 Sports Week

Sports week was so fun!!!!

Newstead class have loved dancing in Thoresby with Mr Jackson, so a rage of music and using props. As class we had a great game of hungry hippos in the hall to see how many balls we could gather. Tuesday we had a peaceful and happy morning at forest schools enjoying being together in the great outdoors! We had a calm and relaxing afternoon too by taking part in yoga with Caroline. On Wednesday we explored the inflatables and made a healthy snack of pea hummus and tomato dip with pittas. We have had a fun packed beginning to this week, hope you enjoy the fabulous pictures!

Week beginning 10.6.24

This week in Newstead class in our Humanities lessons we have been dressing up and thinking about what we would need in our suitcase to visit Antarctica. We have looked at the weather and what is best to wear to keep us warm. 

In our RE lesson this week we have been enjoying food that matches with Christian festivals. We tried some bread and juice which Christians have during Holy Communion and pancakes which are eaten before the start of lent were Christians give up certain foods for 40 days. 

We have enjoyed eating and sharing food as a class!

Week beginning: 20th May

In Newstead class this week in our maths lessons we have been learning about directions and turns, the class have enjoyed using the small hall to do full turns of ourselves, half turns and even quarter turns. We have used the compass coordinates of north, south, east and west. 

In our RE lessons we have been exploring Christian celebrations, we have acted out a Christening and wedding which Newstead have loved, we have some fantastic actors and actresses! This week we have made a Christingle which is usually made at Christmas. Newstead class listened well to the instructions to create the Chrstingle and we popped outside to light the candle, labelled our Christingle and the meaning behind the parts. Newstead class then enjoyed eating them! 

Landmarks farm visit: 8.5.24

We had a fabulous trip today to see what happens at Apperknowle farm, which is part of Landmarks which is a provision for young people to access when they leave school. They told us and showed us what they do to earn a qualification in animal care. Newstead class loved meeting Petal the pig, Buttercup the cow and the horse called Tash. 

Week beginning: 22nd April 2024 The runaway iceberg

As part of our new topic Changes, in our english lessons we are reading the book 'The runaway iceberg' all about a pair of penguins and how the melting of the ice is affecting their environment. In today's lesson we have been acting out the story with a small iceberg and our penguins. Newstead class loved melting the min icebergs to retrieve a penguin and recalled the sequence of the story confidently. 

Week beginning: 18th March 2024

This week Newstead class have enjoyed a trip to Carlton Digby school to share science investigations. We took part in their science lab an experiment to see which colour would move the quickest using different liquids. We used skittles and poured on water, salt water and vinegar. The vinegar poured over the skittles moved the colour to the middle of the plate faster. The other experiment Newstead had a go at was seeing what colour a piece of material that had been dyed using cabbage water would change when using lemon juice water and salt water. We came back with some lovely tie dye patches.

In English we have been reading the story of the coco bean and learning about the journey from bean to shop. 

This week we have been working on following instructions, either by reading or listening to. We used our Fairtrade chocolate to make some delicious cakes!

Week Beginning 19/2/24

This term in PSHE we are looking at jobs and have enjoyed dressing up in different uniforms and talking about the job roles. 

In DT we have started weaving which we find relaxing and is going well. 

In Science we have started learning about solids, liquids and gas; we started this week talking about the different properties and placing items into the 3 categories. 

Week beginning: 29th January 2024

In our Humanities lessons this week we have been acting out the Transatlantic slave trade, we have dressed as slaves from West Africa, traded  toy guns and cloth from Britain and cotton, sugar and tobacco from the Americas. 

Week beginning: 15th January 2024: Fair trade banana and blueberry muffins

In our English lessons we have been learning about where bananas are grown and the journey they take to arrive in our supermarkets. This week we have made banana and blueberry muffins. Newstead class did some great listening and following instructions to make the muffins and hopefully shared with their parents. 

Week beginning: 8th January 2024

Happy new year to you all!

Here is what we will be learning in the Spring term:

Week beginning 4th Dec

In science we have been learning about sound; how sound travels in waves that we can not see. We have watched waves ripple in water and raisons vibrate on a drum. To develop our understanding we experimented with pitch, predicting if instruments would have a low or high sound then feeling the vibrations to see how this changed. 


In English we are reading Stone Age Boy and have really enjoyed learning about making fire using a bow drill. We were then able to write instructions to do this and explain what we had done. 

Week beginning 13th November 2023

This week in Newstead we have been hot-seating characters from Stone Age Boy to find out more about them and work on our communication skills. We enjoyed dressing up for the parts!

We have also been working on structures in DT and enjoyed making our own tent considering size, shape and ways to support them. 

Week beginning 6th November 2023

This first week back in Newstead class we have been recognising coins, adding coins together and using money to purchase items at our class shop. The pupils were great at pricing up items up and labelling them for sale and giving change when they were the shop keeper. The pupils were very independent when being the customer recognising the coins and reading the price labels. 

Week beginning: 9.10.23

This week Newstead class as part of our topic lessons we have had a go at stone age tie dying. They each had a strip of material, we found some natural resources of berries and flowers that were bright colours of orange, red and purple. The children squashed the berries and flowers into the material strip using a rock and changed the colour of their material. The class enjoyed doing this activity in the lovely sunshine in the sensory garden and all worked together well, lovely activity Newstead. 

Week beginning: 2/10/23

This term in our cooking lessons we have been tasting and testing vegetables, meats and noodles to decide which we would like in our stir fry. Newstead class have done some great trying and saying if they like or don't like certain vegetables, whether they like them raw or cooked and which they want in  their own stir fry design. Great job Newstead!

Week beginning: 18/9/23

Newstead class had a fantastic trip to the spirit of the stone age at the University of Nottingham museum. We had a go at spear throwing and friction fire starting. We did some cave painting around our hands, made clay pots and had a go at weaving. In the afternoon we made a fence by weaving to keep our goat in which we had a go at milking and ground some flour. The children got really involved and had a go at all the activities, such a lovely class trip, super proud of them. 

Information for parents:

Please have a look at our new timetable for Newstead class. We have PE on a Friday so please send your child to school in their PE kit. Above is a picture of our new Teaching Assistant Mrs Turner, who we have welcomed into Newstead class. Also above is a picture of Miss Selby who will teach Newstead class on a Thursday and Friday when she returns to school in October. 

We are really enjoying getting to know our new friends in Newstead! 

Newstead staff team

Contact Mrs Robinson and Miss Selby
