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Newstead Class

Newstead class 2024-2025

WB 20/12/24


A brilliant last couple of weeks in Newstead class. We have worked hard in DT this term learning about shell structure and building one this week. We have also loved celebrating Christmas with our Christmas dinner together and an afternoon celebrating Christmas around the world. We explored how different cultures celebrate Christmas and loved tasting some of the different traditional food. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

WB 2/12/24


We have had a festive time preparing for Christmas this week; making a snowy window display, practising our pattern skills making paper chains and decorating out tree. We are also looking forward to our celebration of 'Christmas Around the World' next week where we will be representing Ireland. 


Forest school was brilliant this week and toasting marshmallows on the fire was super fun!


In English we read stickman in keeping with our Christmas theme and then made our own from chocolate swiss rolls and match makers which was very tasty! In maths we have been considering size and weights; thinking about proportion and how we see it in everyday life. 


We have been very busy in Newstead Class. We all enjoy getting wrapped up and attending our weekly forest school session; our class love any opportunity to be out and about and this past week we made some birdfeeders to take home, they were very sticky but we think the birds will love them. 

This past week has also brought us some very chilly weather which we have embraced and gone outside to explore the snow and to warm us up we have enjoyed practising our fine motor skills to make our own toast. 

There are also a few photos from PE showing off our brave balancing and even better we have been working on our aim which has improved within the last few weeks. Great job Newstead!

WB 6.11.24


A wonderful start back to school in Newstead Class! We have been looking this week at Remembrance Day and creating a lovely display. We have spoken about the colour of the poppy and what the soldiers did. We have said the poppy is to say 'thankyou' to the soldiers. 

In DT we will be learning about shell structures this term. We began this week looking at and exploring the different textures and shapes of some small shell structures and next week will be looking at different animals that use shells for protection. 

In Science this term we will be focusing on electricity, this week we have been sorting items into ones that use electricity and ones that don't. 

Well done Newstead!

WB 7.10.2024


What a wonderful week we have had. 

A lovely walk in the woods noticing the different signs of Autumn and apreciatiung the fresh air. We enjoyed crunching leaves and collecting some interesting things. 

We have also made some bird feeders which was a little messy but lots of fun! We spoke about the different birds, how they move and what they like to eat. We are now watching and waiting for birds!

This week we have also taken part in Hello Yellow where we have explored our understanding of feelings and ways to recognise and express our emotions. 



WB 16th September 

What a wonderful welcome back we have had in Newstead Class!

We have started the school year with a bang! In English we are reading Zog and have enjoyed joining in with the story and learning the sign for dragon. We have done some super writing, naming characters and can say what is happening in the story. 

We have also shown how independent we are by practising crossing roads, walking to Morrisons and our own fantastic Bracken Hill cafe where we have made choices when ordering food and practising using our money skills. 

In Maths we have all been superstars in our number work; recognising, ordering matching amounts and even counting in 10s. 

Our computing lessons have been about exploring audio and visual recording which we have loved, no one is camera shy in our class and enjoy watching and hearing ourselves back. 

An excellent start to the year :-) 

Contact Mrs Robinson and Miss Selby
