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Sherwood Class

Sherwood Class Team 2024/25


Key days:

Travel training is on a Monday afternoon. Pupils can bring in money and leave it in school or bring some each week, however depending on the task we may not always purchase items.

PE is on a Wednesday. Pupils need school kit each week or can leave it on their peg in school.

On Thursdays, Careers day is a rotation for this transition period between The Acre, construction and leisure.

Friday is homework day to be returned on Monday. There will be homework set every Friday.



Week of 22nd July 2024


We have had a good last week of term. We all went down to the Acre on Thursday and made various desserts.

We wish that you all have a good holiday and we will see you on Wednesday 3rd September.

My Future Self

W/C 8/7/24 - Cake decorating coursework

Lea Green Free Outdoor Activities Day

Week commencing 17th June - Sports week


We have had chances to try out different sports this week. We had a go at the climbing wall, laser tag, athletics and archery. All students enjoyed the activities. 

Week Commencing 4th June - Duke of Edinburgh

We are going out to Nottingham college on a Thursday morning this term and learning about Small Animal Care. We have seen Guinea Pigs, Rats, Hamsters, Gerbils, Snakes, Spiders, Hedgehogs and a Bearded Dragon. We are learning how to hold and care for them. We are helping to clean out their cages and tanks.

W/C 22/4/24: Virtual work experience

On Wednesday and Friday this week, all students were involved in virtual work experience, hearing from the NHS about supported internships, the CoOp about careers in retail, the Department of Work and Pensions about applying for jobs and from Mott McDonald about construction and engineering roles. All the students listened well and participated in the tasks directed to help gain an understanding about a career in these fields. These events are helpful by providing students time to consider the types of skills/ tasks they would be comfortable using in a career and expanding their understanding of where their interests can be utilised.

Week of 26th February 2024


This week we went out to Portland Park during PE to do some orienteering and discovered Zombies had taken over part of the park! We built a shelter to hide from them using our team skills. We then had to escape the Zombies by running as fast as we could away whilst screaming in terror! Much fun was had by all.

In English we have been working on our covering letters as practise for when we need to apply for colleges and jobs.

During R.E. we walked down to St. Thomas Church in Kirby. We had a look around inside and were able to ask some questions.

In our Duke of Edinburgh afternoon we are going to walk around Kirkby Cross.

Boar's Head DofE walk

Week of 22nd January 2024


This week we have been finalising our Asdan photography module. We have picked a theme and using a school Ipad we each took some photographs. We then used the software on the Ipad to manipulate the pictures. Once the pictures are printed we are going to display them.

Homelessness drama work: back to back thoughts, monologues and freeze frames linked to the novel Stone Cold

Thursday - Work Related Learning

12 December 2023


We had a great morning at Harvey Haddon sports centre playing in a Dodgeball competition. We won quite a number of matches. The whole team were able to adjust their individual game style depending on the other team which they were playing. Some of the matches were so fast paced the students were worn out trying to keep up! All of the students worked as a team and swopped themselves in and out when they felt they needed a rest.

Week Ending 10th November 2023

Week ending 10th November 2023

A great start to the first week of the half-term! This week was money week. We set the students The £5 Challenge! They had to come up with a business idea, conduct market research, look at financing and costs and then present the business idea to a set of investors or "Dragons"! There we're some amazing ideas including; a brownie business (yum), a environmental education product, a keyring business and a couple of unique artwork businesses! The presentations at the end of the week were amazing and the pupils were extremely confident! As part of the money week we also welcomed a number of guest speakers who taught us about budgeting, financial help and the world of work.


At the Acre we have started creating some Christmas themed products to sell at the Christmas Fair as part of our Enterprise project and they look great!

Week commencing 16th October

Sherwood have been sharing their knowledge of the Jewish faith that they have learnt about in RE lessons. They retold the story of Passover to the other classes and shared what went on the Passover plate.

10th October 2023


We have finished the book Stone Cold in English and are now writing a story based on the theme of the book. We have planned our stories out and have now begun to type them up.

We have been trying out different brands of foods as part of our Asdan coursework (Rice Krispies, Baked Beans, Bread, Tomato Ketchup and Hot Chocolate) to see which tastes the best. We are comparing the prices of the brands to see if our favourites are value for money.

We are enjoying getting outside during PE and having a go at Cricket and Rounders. We are practicing our throwing skills, catching skills and playing as a team.


This term's theme: Work for It!

 13th September - Takeover Radio 


Sherwood have been given the wonderful opportunity to work with Takeover Radio every Wednesday afternoons for the next 6 weeks. Takeover Radio is a youth-led community radio station that reaches young people across Ashfield. You can listen to Takeover Radio on 106.9 FM. The class are working towards a Halloween Show Mid October, but the date will be confirmed later. Some of the class will be given the opportunity to broad cast live, so please tune in on Wednesday afternoon for the next few weeks.

Week beginning 11th September: Takeover Radio

Week beginning 17th July: Baking

Mrs Brown

Sherwood Class Teacher
