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Sherwood Class

Sherwood Class Team 2024/25


Key days:

Travel training is on a Monday afternoon. Pupils can bring in money and leave it in school or bring some each week, however depending on the task we may not always purchase items.

PE is on a Wednesday. Pupils need school kit each week or can leave it on their peg in school.

On Thursdays, Careers day is a rotation for this transition period between The Acre, construction and leisure.

Friday is homework day to be returned on Monday. There will be homework set every Friday.



Week Commencing 7/10/24: Holes by Louis Sachar

Sherwood have been reading this since the start of term and we are now about half way through. This week to develop our skimming / scanning skills and summary writing skills we have created a 'rogues gallery' about all the characters.

Week Commencing 30th September - Boots herbal remedies

Week commencing 16th September 


On Thursday we went to Harvey Haddon for a sports competition, we had a go at dodgeball, kurling and handball. We won a few games at each sport. We all took part and had fun meeting teams from other schools.

Week Commencing 9/9/24 - The Dragons are Coming

This Wednesday sees the launch of the upper school Dragon's Den. Local entrepreneurs will be in school to introduce this challenge to the pupils. In each class, pupils will divide into groups to compete against one another to plan, research, produce and evaluate an enterprise project of their own. Products developed previously include dog biscuits, seed cards, personalised jewellery and homemade soap. Look out for items at this year's Christmas Fayre.

Week commencing 22nd July 2024


We have had a good last week of term. We all went down to the Acre on Thursday and made various desserts.

We wish that you all have a good holiday and we will see you on Wednesday 3rd September.

Mrs Brown

Sherwood Class Teacher
