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Thoresby Class

Thoresby Class 2024/2025

Our PE lessons will be on a Monday. Please ensure that they have their PE kits in school on this day. 


On a Thursday we will be looking at Careers and completing work towards our Duke of Edinburgh award.


Thursday - Work Related Learning

Thoresby Class timetable

Week Commencing 22nd July

In our English lessons we have been looking at the fairy tale Rupunzel and on Wednesday we all took it in turns to act out the different characters from the story. Some of Thoresby make very scary witches!!


In maths this week we decided to see how many pairs we could make using coloured counters. Lydia was a star at this and made in total 33 pairs (with a little help from Mrs Davis),


On our last day of term we danced away at the school disco and enjoyed some yummy cake thanks to Lewis and his family. 


We wish all in Thoresby and those leaving us a very happy Summer Holidays!

Week commencing 1st July


Welcome to our new Thoresby Class. Our new members are settling in to the class and we're all finding our feet in our new classroom. 

Until we break up for the summer holidays we will be getting to know each other, reading Sam's Sandwich in English and in Maths we'll be exploring measuring.



Sports Week 2024 - What a busy couple of days.

We started the week with a very relaxing yoga session with Caroline followed by a couple of games of boccia. Everyone had a session of Dance with Mr Jackson and later Jake and Bay climbed up the climbing wall.

On Tuesday we made clay faces with Adventure Services. Some faces we made on a plate and others we made on free trunks. We later made some very delicious strawberry and banana smoothies. In the afternoon we went to Forest School. There we made special potions, did some painting and enjoyed lying in the hammock. 

On Wednesday we went on the inflatable assault course. Those that took part had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed it.

We was very impressed with all the effort all in Thoresby put in to all the sports week activities. 



Week Commencing 17th June - Portland College transition visit

Week commencing 3rd June

Welcome back Thoresby class. We hope everyone had a good half term break.


We're straight back into a new half term. In English we have started looking at a new book, The Pocket Chaotic. As always the whole class is enjoying listening to Mr Jackson read out the story using different voices for all the characters.


A huge round of applause needs to go out to all in Thoresby who took part in the two day Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expedition this week. Whether they were in a group out walking or in a group stopping at the camp site they all did themselves and us proud. For some they had never stayed away from home or even in a tent. They all gave it 100%.






What a busy couple of weeks. 

In science we have continued to look at electric circuits. We made a torch and started to have a go at drawing circuits on paper.

In design technology everyone made some yummy cookies. Mrs Walker and OE made one huge cookie whilst the rest of the class made some tasty smaller ones.

In maths we have relooked at repeating patterns. HL really impressed us with a super long blue and yellow pattern.

On Thursday Thoresby visited the Morrisons Cafe with Mrs Brown. They all independently chose what they wanted to buy and with just a little support payed for their choices at the till.

Week Commencing 29th April

This term we are looking at Electricity in Science. So far we have built our own electrical circuits, incorporating light bulbs, fans and buzzers. We've also looked at the dangers of electricity in the home, at school and out and about.

In Cooking we have made our own dough and practiced mixing and rolling, and following instructions. The first week we turned our dough into pizza's and them we made naan breads. All were very yummy.

On Monday we all went outside the classroom and planted our seedlings. Everyone is looking forward to what might grown.

As part of our Enterprise work we have been designing mosaic tile placemats. We've now started sticking the piles onto cork boards. They're all looking great.

Week Commencing 15th April


Hope everyone had a great half term holiday. 

In English we've started a new book - The Gardener. We'll be doing lots of work in English and other subjects around gardening. We actually started this work before half term when we planted different seeds. It was interesting to see how much they'd grown whilst we had been away. 

In Maths we have started practising counting on from any given number. Everyone has done very well with his and impressed us with their number skills.

In PE we will be practising New Age Kurling ready for the competition we have been invited too on the 30th April. 

Reminder that we are not at The Acre now on a Thursday. Instead we will be doing Careers with Mrs Brown in a morning and working on our Enterprise project in the afternoons.


Friday 22nd was KS4's 2nd Big RE Day. This time we all looked at celebrations from around the world. 

We started the day with Mr Jackson's friend Quinn, who gave us a presentation on Chinese New Year. She brought in lots of interesting things to look at and even some Red Envelope treats!

Rufford and Sherwood made some very tasty Chinese and Indian food, whilst we made chocolate nests for everyone to eat. 


Week Commencing 19th February

Welcome back from the half term holidays Thoresby. We hope everyone had a good week off.


It's straight back into work for us. In Maths we're taking another look at measurements. This week we have been looking at taller, shorter and the same. 

We've started a new book in English this week - A Squash and a Squeeze. Everyone made puppets of the different animals in the book and took it in turn to us them whilst Mr Jackson read the story.

In Science we all donned our white coats and looked at Acids and Alkaline. We looked at different substances and checked to see if they was acid or alkaline. 

On Thursday we went to The Acre. Everyone joined in with the preparation and making of the food. 

Week Commencing 15th January

Thoresby class have been to The Acre twice now and are all enjoying it. Last Thursday everyone worked together to make chicken curry, naan bread and carrot cake. It all looked amazing.


Week commencing 1st January 2024
















Welcome back Thoresby class. It looks like everyone has had a great Christmas and ready to start the new year running.

This term on a Thursday we will be going to The Acre where we will be improving our cooking skills and working on our enterprise project.



Week Commencing 18th December

December has been a very busy month for Thoresby class. 

Last Thursday was our last trip to Animal care. Rosie our tutor treated us all to drinks and biscuits. We'll all miss our weekly trips for cuddles with the animals.  

Wednesday we all enjoyed our school Christmas dinner. Everyone ate their dinner in the hall together and it was lovely to see soo many empty plates.

On Thursday we enjoyed a Christmas panto in the morning and in the afternoon we went and boogied at our school Christmas disco. There was even live music played by our own musicians, Mr Simpson and Mr Draycott. 

Mr Jackson and the rest of the class team would like to wish all of Thoresby and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all in 2024.

Week Commencing 20th November

This week 3 members of Thoresby class was invited to attend an Hospitality Open Day held at the Cleaver and Wake restaurant in Nottingham. The day started with a talk on all the different career options available within the hospitality industry and where you can go after you finish school. We then went on a guided tour of the restaurant and learnt how to use our senses when describing different drinks / foods. This was followed by a demonstration from the Head Chef, Hira Thakur. He demonstrated how to prepare fresh oysters, a very tasty looking venison main dish, followed by some popcorn ice cream made using liquid ice. Our students even had the opportunity to sample the dishes which Mrs Davis was very jealous of! 

After lunch our 3 amazed us and the lady presenting the afternoon session when they set a dinning table by themselves. 


Thoresby class have been investigating Money in maths this week. In class we set up our own shop with a real till! Everyone enjoyed going up and buying small items costing 1p. 2p, 4p or 5p.

On Wednesday we went down to Morrisons in Kirkby. Everyone was given a shopping list and we went around in a group finding each item. After we'd found all the items we all got a chance to buy ourselves a little treat.

Back in school we used the items we'd bought from Morrisons to make sandwiches. Everyone made their own and enjoyed them afterwards with a nice drink.



Week Commencing 25th September

A busy week for Thoresby class. 

In our maths lessons we've been looking at patterns - number, colour and shape. Everyone made some great 2 stage patterns and over the week some in the class even went up to a 4 stage pattern! Well done Thoresby.

We continued to look at the book "A chair for my mother" in English. The end of the week saw everyone writing their own version of the book. In fact there was some amazing writing from everyone. 

Small animal care on a Thursday is proving to be a great hit. Lots of guinea pig cuddles and learning how to care for them. This week we started to make some small animal habitats out of water and paper. Pictures to follow of the finished items. 

Week Commencing 4th September



Where has the time gone! In a blink of an eye we're all back in school.

We hope everyone had a relaxing, fun summer holiday. Our big news from the holiday is that Miss Waterhouse got married heart. Huge congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Randall.

Everyone got off the buses ready to start the new school year. And we've started the term as we mean to go on.....before we'd even had our lunch we'd looked at matching numbers and pictures, following instructions and have been out on a bug hunt!




Week commencing 24th July

Welcome to Thoresby class. 

Our new class teacher is Mr Jackson and we have 4 TA's  - Mrs Davis, Miss Waterhouse, Mrs Walker (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Rogers (Thursday - Friday).

Transition has been a busy couple of weeks. Everyone has settled into the new class and enjoyed some fun activities. 

In English we've been reading the book Where the forest meets the sea. Everyone has had a go at signing sections of the story and we even had a sensory morning, where everyone had a chance to feel, smell and see sections of the story.

In Maths, we have enjoyed looking at patterns, shapes, numbers and counting. Everyone made some great repeating patterns using beads, cubes and bricks.

To help us understand where our recycling rubbish goes and what happens to it, we went to Veolia Mansfield. Everyone took part in a challenge - to separate a bag of rubbish into its correct bins and visited the recycling plant its self and watched all the rubbish being separated by the giant machines. 

We wish all in Thoresby and their families and very happy summer holidays and we look forward to seeing everyone back in class is September.



Mr Jackson

Thoresby Class Teacher
