Welcome back Thoresby class. It sounds like everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.
This half term in English we will be looking at Celebrities. Our first one is Muhammed Ali. We've looked at a book that talks all about his life and why he's famous. Soon we'll research other celebrities.
We're now going to the Radio Station on a Wednesday afternoon and on a Thursday we'll be going to The Acre. Unfortunately we could go this week due to it being closed. Instead we cooked some delicious cheese scones and flapjacks.
This week we have been making lots of 2 and 3 stage patterns. Some have been two different colours, some two different shapes and some have been different sized objects.
In our English lessons this week we have been reading a new book which we are all really enjoying - You Must Wear a Hat by Simon Philip and Kate Hindley. We have been super amazed at how much everyone has been remembering about it. Look out for pictures of Thoresby all wearing hats soon!
One Thursday we took a trip into Kirkby to enjoy a drink in a cafe. Afterwards we took a walk around Morrisons where we bought lovely French food ready for our ASDAN afternoon with the rest of KS4.
Last week was school enterprise week. Thoresby class designed and made Christmas gift tags. However our tags are different!
We decided to make our gift tags with an extra gift for after Christmas!
We used scrap paper from the art room to make some seed paper and used seeds from flowers we'd grown earlier in the year and seeds from packets that Mr Jackson had open at home. We then used scrap card to cut out gift tags and glued a star shaped piece of seed paper to the front.
We presented our product on Friday to the Dragons in our own version of Dragons Den. They were very impressed with our gift tags and liked that we'd not spent any money in the production of them. They even took one home with them!!
Look out for them later this month as they'll be available to purchase from school and the school Christmas fair.
Week commencing 4th November
We hope everyone had a good half term holiday. We've been enjoying finding out what everyone got up too.
This half of the term is always an exciting one - lots of fun Christmas activities to look forward too. It won't be long before it's here!
In our maths lessons this week we have been looking at 1 more and 1 less. We started out looking at numbers up to 20 but soon found ourselves going up too 100.
In English we've had fun with the book Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen. We even acted out the book on Friday and all had some yummy chocolate brownie to eat whilst we did it!
As part of our Leisure course we had a lovely morning at Sutton Lawn on Thursday. We enjoyed a walk around the park and spotted the different leisure activities that people can do there. Our walk was followed by a trip to the cafe where everyone chose something to eat and drink. In Maths all week we had been looking at money and everyone impressed us with their recognition of the different coins.
In computers we have been using the BeeBots. Thoresby are getting very good at sending them around the classroom.
In PE we have been working with Wollaton Class to improve our basket ball skills. We have some great bouncers and this week we're practising shooting.
In English we have started a new book, "The Most Magnificent Thing". Thoresby have been thinking about what kind of magnificent thing they would build and what it would help them to do.
In Titan we have been looking at all the different road signs you can see when you're out and about. We spotted some outside the school and practised safely crossing a road.
Week Commencing 2nd September
Thoresby have returned hitting the floor running! We've come back and got straight back into our lessons - this has impressed all of us.
We've started looking at a new book in English - Can I Build Another Me. Everyone has wrote some amazing independent sentences that describe themselves.
In Maths we have been working on partitioning numbers. Again Thoresby have been amazing at this and have used numbers up to 100!
In our English lessons we have been looking at the fairy tale Rupunzel and on Wednesday we all took it in turns to act out the different characters from the story. Some of Thoresby make very scary witches!!
In maths this week we decided to see how many pairs we could make using coloured counters. Lydia was a star at this and made in total 33 pairs (with a little help from Mrs Davis),
On our last day of term we danced away at the school disco and enjoyed some yummy cake thanks to Lewis and his family.
We wish all in Thoresby and those leaving us a very happy Summer Holidays!
Week commencing 1st July
Welcome to our new Thoresby Class. Our new members are settling in to the class and we're all finding our feet in our new classroom.
Until we break up for the summer holidays we will be getting to know each other, reading Sam's Sandwich in English and in Maths we'll be exploring measuring.
Thoresby Class Teacher