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Welbeck Class 2024/2025

Happy Red Nose Day❣️❣️❣️

Week beginning 04.03.24

Welbeck have been counting down the days to World Book Day📚  Everyone was super excited to dress up as their favourite book character🤩 We read our class novel ‘The Twits’ to find out what other pranks Mr and Mrs Twit were doing on eachother🤪Every pupil in the class received a book of their choice and we played world book day themed quizzes on Kahoot✏️ Mason was our star of the week for his amazing determination in phonics lessons and getting his spelling correct every week🌟

Week beginning 19.03.24

Wow! What a fabulous start to the new term🤩


Dough disco has been a morning favourite to get us ready for the day💃

Welbeck have been using numicon to help us understand number bonds to 10 and 20 in maths➕➖

We have started a new book called ‘My name is not Refugee’ written by Kate Milner.We started to find out what a refugee is and began to think about what special things we would pack in our bags🎒🧸🧦🧣

In PSHE, we are started to explore the topic of medicine💊 We have discussed why we take medicine and who can give us medicine safely😊

Happy Half Term Everyone!🤩🥞❤️

Week beginning 05.02.24

Wow! We have time travelled back to the 16th century to learn about The Atlantic Slave Trade 🗺 We have been looking at how people were treated back then and learn how important that everyone is treated with fairness and respect! 

Science has been jammed packed by exploring cells microscope 🔬   We have compared and contrasted animal and plant cells, investigated different specialised cells, organs and organ systems in the human body 🧠

In PE, we have been working together as a team in different games to try and beat the clock 🏃‍♀️⏱ 

We finished the term off by feeling the love and designing our own biscuits for someone special🍪💕

Week beginning 22.01.24

Forest schools have been a class favourite this term😊We have loved exploring and learning outdoors🌳🍃

In Design and Technology, we have transformed into artists with our weaving! We mastered how to weave with paper so we made it harder and began to learn how to weave with wool🤩

 We have been finding out about Malala Yousafzai and her story in English. We are going to create fact file about her✍🏼

This week this maths, we are starting to learn how to tell the time by the hour and half past the hour⏰ 

Welbeck have been so enthusiastic looking at different celebrities in the media in our PSHE lessons and been busting some great moves in our just dance sessions during Enrichment🕺🏼

Week beginning 08.01.23

It’s been a fabulous first week in Welbeck🤩


We have been introduced to new things in Welbeck this half term such as yoga on a Tuesday afternoon and Forest schools on a Wednesday afternoon.

We started of with money,money, money 💷Welbeck have been getting familiar with the different coins and notes and their values in maths this week.

This half term we are going to explore 2 different books called ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’ ✏️  and ‘And Tango makes Three’🐧 

Our new topic for Spring term is called ‘Fair for All’. It’s all about learning how everyone deserves to be treated kindly and equally☺️



New Year, New Term

Happy Hoildays!🎅🏼🎄☃️❤️

This week in Welbeck we had our Christmas craft morning🎨🎄 Our parents came in and joined in with some Christmas crafts activities! They also enjoyed listening to Christmas music and eating mince pies and cakes 🥧 🎅🏼


Welbeck have been using tally charts to collect different information from their friends this week in maths. We started looking at our new Christmas storybook ‘Coming Home’ by Michael Morpurgo📖 


Welbeck finished travelling through the ages this week and made their own gold torch to wear inspired from the Iron Age🗡

Week beginning 27.11.23

In maths this week we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have been drawing different shapes, counting the sides and corners and trying to find objects that match the different shapes we have been looking at! We read our new book ‘The Twits’ and loved finding out about the different the pranks they played on each other🤩 We have started to design an advertisement to try and sell The Twit’s house and garden🏚 In independent travel this week, Welbeck took a walk to Morrison’s working on road safety which they did brilliantly!🚗🚦We also had a chance to visit our new friends in the school... Guinea Pigs which we thought were adorable☺️

Week beginning 13.11.23

Welbeck have been super busy coming back after half term! 


It was money week in maths💰We had different activities throughout the week looking at money in different ways. We looked at the coins and notes we use, began to understand the value of each coin and we took a trip to ‘Welbeck Shop’ to pick something of our choice and work out how much money we needed. In English, we have started to look at a poem called ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. We have looked at the features in a poem and picked an animal from the poem that we would like to write our poem for next week! 🐍  🦁🦒 Welbeck have continued to travel through the ages and landed in the Iron Age🗡

Happy Half Term Everyone!

Have a lovely half term everyone!

Stay safe and get plenty of rest.

See you all in Novemberlaugh


Week beginning 16.10.23

This week in Welbeck, we explored 2D and 3D shapes and their properities in Maths. In English we were introduced to our new class book "A Magical Muddle". We created our own titles for the book and wrote our own magical spells. We learned about Stonehenge in Humanities and had a go creating our own models! 

Welbeck have had a jam packed filled half term and have worked really hard!smiley

Week beginning 2.10.23

This week in Maths we have been working on number bonds to 10 and 20 using numicon. In English we have been using our imaginations and creating our own endings for Stone Age Boy. We become scientists and carried out an experiment testing different liquids to find out if they were an acid or an alkali. 

On Tuesday we visited Nottingham University for a Stone Age Experience. We travelled back in time and become Stone Age people for the day! We all became archaeologists digging for bones. We tried making jewellery out of clay, painted a cave print, made animals with clay, tried out weaving, engraved a pretend bone using flints, milked a goat, built a mini sculpture of Stonehenge and made a fence for a goat pen out of sticks and rope! Everyone had a brilliant day and learned so much about the Stone Age.

Week beginning 4.9.23

Welcome back Welbeck😊


We’ve had an amazing first week back! 

The children have settled in brilliantly and giving a lovely warm welcome to their new class teacher and friend.

We have a new topic which is titled Walking with our Ancestors. We will begin to travel through the ages, beginning with the Stone Age.
I’m hoping everyone is excited for the trip on Tuesday. This will be a great experience and will give the children a hands on approach to learning about the Stone Age. 

PE is Thursday and Friday so please remember to send your child in with their PE kit. It can stay in school until half term. I will be sending homework on a Friday and this will be a rotation of Maths, English and Humanities.



Welcome back to school Welbeck!

Contact Miss O'Reilly
