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Wollaton Class

Wollaton Class 2023/2024

Sports Week - Wollaton have had a busy week this week; we have done gym ball aerobics, dance, climbing, tai-chi, inflatable obstacle course, archery, boccia, badminton and athletics. We have been impressed by the whole class and their determination to 'have a go' even with activities they found difficult. 

April 15th to 29th 

Using Scratch to teach coding

Our students have been getting to grips with a coding programme called Scratch.  They can create their own characters, move them round the screen and add sound.  The sound has to be the favourite!

March 25th to April 12th

Easter Enterprise - Lemon and White Chocolate hot cross buns

Our hot cross buns sold like hot cakes!  We decided on hot cross buns and one of our students suggested we try something a little different.  They were a great success.

March 4th to 18th

Kirkby Castle archaeology

A group of students from Key stage 4 and 5 went to watch the archaeologists surveying the site of Kirkby castle, behind St Wilfrid's Church.  They handled stone mouldings from other digs, and the horn from an extinct type of cow called an Auroch.  

February 5th to 12th

Valentines love bugs

January 15th to 29th 2024


We have had a great start to the new year with lots of new activities and learning.

In English the students have been looking at the novel Moonfleet.  The TAs even made Blackbeard's coffin, which features in the book.


What's in the coffin?

Wollaton takes over Takeover Radio

This half term it is Wollaton's turn to access the Takeover radio station at Sutton Academy.  They have been using the Garageband App to create jingles and backing tracks.  Students have also broadcast live.  If you want to catch them on Wednesday afternoons the frequency is 106.9.

December 11th to 22nd Enterprise Christmas Trees

For our Christmas Enterprise this year we used cut out Christmas tree shapes (Cut by Mr Tomlinson), painted them, then decorated them with buttons, tinsel, sequins and fabric.  They looked amazing!

November 27th - December 8th Compass point Orienteering

In PE we have been learning about Orienteering using compass directions.  Students practiced direction and distance, using a compass to mark the points on the floor.  We also used photographs of objects from unusual angles to complete a Christmas Orienteering challenge.

November 13th -20th Discovering our chocolate fossils

In English students have been looking at biographies and autobiographies  They learned about Mary Anning and her discovery of a fossil Ichthyosaur.  Students made fossils using chocolate, then had fun digging out the fossils.

Money week November 6th - 10th 2023

In Maths we sorted money by value, made different amounts using coins and carried out additions and subtractions.  We worked on our Enterprise project to make items to sell at the Christmas fair (no photos yet, spoilers!)  Our students also took part in a session on using money and banking.  



W/C 9th October 2023 - Black and white print pictures

Look at our art work!  As part of our ASDAN Towards Independence Course the students chose images they liked, then created their images using black and white news print.  They made their own borders and held a mini art exhibition in our Classroom.  


In PE we had a game of indoor rounders with a giant inflatable ball!  

Week Commencing 25.9.23

In maths this week some students have been looking at the value of money, we have explored the colours and shapes of different coins and have sequenced them in order of value. We have then used our new found knowledge of the values to work out how money we have been given. Other students have been working on the sequencing of objects by size and have completed lots of practical based work on this. 

Week Commencing 18.9.23

This week we have been completing our National Citizen Service at Portland College, we have all enjoyed the adventurous activities and most of us have challenged ourselves to try something new. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great but we didn't let the rain dampen our spirits. 


Week Beginning 11.9.23

This week in English we have continued looking at our topic of Diaries, we have spent the week learning about Anne Frank and have had some thoughtful moments when we watched clips of her dad talking on Blue Peter and when we watched the film. 

Week beginning 5th September

We are very pleased to welcome back all our students. New students have settled in well. In PE we have been working on our batting skills. We had a "round the table" game of table tennis and practised our ball control. Mrs Waterhouse showed her talent at keeping a rally going with the students. 

As part of our Asdan modules our students have been doing some colour mixing to find the shade they liked.

Our colour mixings

Mrs Lakin and Mrs Drabble

Wollaton Class Teachers
